Page 25 - Microsoft Word - GENERALS IBOOK WORD.docx
P. 25
modified- stock assault weapon from under a white cloth.
Frank sits up. The rifle gets his attention.INT. BUD
MULLIGAN'S HOSPITAL ROOM - Bud is watching the
same newscast on TV, while making comments into a
Citizens Band microphone in his connected to the small
portable broadcast unit.
BUD: (into CB radio mike) Hey -- I'm watchin' myself on
channel 4! -- Mabel, if you're listen- ing from your house,
I hope you're taping this, because Joanie's on her way
here to the hospi- tal...
He laughs painfully, glancing at bandage covering his
BUD: Damn, if I'd lost them twenty pounds like Joanie
was asking me, I'd probably be dead right now. (he spots
something, lowers phone.)
BUD SEES: Beneath the curtain pulled around his bed, a
pair of legs in white Orderly pants are approaching. But
the feet wear sneakers with a small orange crescent, like
those of Bud's attackers. In panic, Bud rolls out of his bed
across his food tray, knocking the CB radio to the floor. At
that instant, a semi-silenced Stahl M7 spits sixteen shells
right through his bedding and mattress, dotting the
stainless steel sink with slug holes.
Lt. Albany steps forward, rips back the curtain, expecting
to see a human pincushion. But the bed is empty.
BUD: Crawls toward the bathroom, dragging the IV stand
with him.
LT. ALBANY: Leans down for a better shot at the frantic,
half- naked Bud crawling into the bathroom.