Page 20 - LRCC March 2021 Focus
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        Excellence – Colette Brzezinski, and Employee of   The notification followed a comprehensive and   Martin Waymire is excited to announce  Hannah
        the Year – Amanda Carr.                      detailed survey of the hospital pharmacy and  its   Lupi’s promotion to reflect her increased
                                                     medication practices.                       responsibilities and contributions to successful work
                       The    Michigan  Municipal                                                on behalf of their clients. Hannah was promoted to
                       Executives held its annual    Anniversaries                               account executive at the end of 2020 after joining
                       conference to recognize and honor                                         Martin  Waymire in 2019. She leads social media
                       this year’s recipients for the “Best   Chase Creative is celebrating its 25th anniversary   strategy and works with social influencers across
                       of the Best” in Michigan Awards   this year, having been founded in 1996 in Detroit.   several clients, including the I  Vaccinate campaign,
                       on  Thursday, Jan. 28.  Meridian   Since then, they have added a Grand Rapids office,   which recently won Martin Waymire its fifth Silver
                       Township’s  Deputy  Township   and an office at the Lansing Center in 2016. Their   Anvil — the public relations industry equivalent to
                       Manager  Derek  Perry  was    partnership with the Lansing Center has been a   the Pulitzer Prize.
                       selected for the Best of the Best:   fantastic opportunity to deliver exceptional audio-
        Top Assistant Manager Award .                visual services to the numerous groups that come to   Board of Directors & Executive
                                                     the venue. When the pandemic hit and live events   Committee Updates
                       Congratulations to Best-One   were stamped out, they worked with the Lansing
                       Fleet Service of Lansing’s  2020   Center leadership team to develop a broadcast studio
                       Big Dude 1st Stringer,  Phillip   in one of the meeting rooms, capable of hosting
                       Phillips.  The Big Dude Award   clients safely and effectively for their virtual meetings.
                       is given each year to the team   The studio opened on Feb. 1, and they welcomed the
                       member that best exemplifies   Greater Lansing CVB as their first live-stream event!
                       the quality of work, work ethic,
                       dedication,  efficiency,  and  Promotions
                       productivity, demonstrated by                                             Perry         Kellogg       Gallagher
        Larry “Big Dude” Encinas during his tenure at Best-        Tyler Blaschka   has  been    The Shareholders of  Fraser Trebilcock, one of
        One Fleet Service. Larry was a former employee that        promoted to sales manager at   Michigan’s long-established full-service law firms,
        was the ultimate “above and beyond” teammate. He           Hyatt Place Lansing. Tyler    have re-elected Michael H. Perry as president of
        not only lived the core values through his personal        joined Hyatt Place Lansing as   the  firm.  This  is  Mr. Perry’s fourth  consecutive
        life, but his professional life as well. His love for the   a gallery host in 2015. After   year as president. Shareholder  Mark E. Kellogg
        company and zeal for life is honored each year with        a stint in the housekeeping   was re-elected to the board of directors, serving
        this award.                                                department, he  moved to the
                                                                   sales department in July 2019
        Distinctions                                               full-time as a sales coordinator.

        Hyatt Place Lansing – East has achieved Global             Trey Williams,  CPA, partner,       clarity  confidence  effectiveness  vitality
        Biorisk  Advisory  Council®  (GBAC)  STAR™                 audit, and assurance, became
        accreditation – the gold standard for prepared facilities.   president of Maner Costerisan   THE FIT LEADER’S PROGRAM       ™
        Guided by Hyatt’s purpose, to care for people so they      on  Jan.  1.  A  30-year  Maner
        can  be  their  best,  Hyatt  Place  Lansing  East’s  top   veteran, Williams succeeds Jeff    OPEN-ENROLLMENT PROGRAM
                                                                                                       OPPORTUNITIES IN MAY 2021
        priority for welcoming guests and colleagues is doing      Stevens, CPA, who held the
        so with their health and wellbeing in mind. Under          role for a decade. Stevens exits
        the guidance of GBAC, a Division of ISSA, the   Williams   the position, having made a        "Even more elegant than I had hoped
        worldwide cleaning industry association, Hyatt Place       tremendous impact on the firm,      for, the Fit Leader’s Program opens
                                                                                                       doors for me, and shaved years off
                                                                                                                        "The Fit Leader’s Program was
        Lansing – East, has been recognized for implementing   overseeing substantial financial growth and service   creating my own program!"  exactly what we needed to move
        stringent protocols for cleaning, disinfection, and   expansion during his tenure. Stevens will continue        our internal talent to leadership
        infectious disease prevention on property.   to serve on the firm’s executive committee.             "My next promotion came much faster
                                                                                                            once the Fit Leader’s Program helped me
                                                                                                              increase my Clarity, Confidence,
                                                                                 Two    senior                 Effectiveness and Vitality."
                                                                                 managers were
                                                                                 pr o moted
                                                                                 to    partner
                                                                                 at     Maner       The Leadership Fitness Experience is unique
                                                                                 Costerisan at      among executive development programs because
                                                                                 the conclusion     of its highly effective combination of:
                                                                                 of 2020.  Kyle
                                                     Schafer       Latham                           • Tool-based workshops
                                                                                 Schafer, CPA,      • Professional coaching
                                                     audit, provides assurance and attestation services   • Leadership assessments
                                                                                                    • Online resources
                                                     for their nonprofit, governmental, and employee
        Sparrow Eaton Hospital’s pharmacy has received   benefit plans clients. He’s joined by Matt Latham,   ROSS WOODSTOCK  SUSAN COMBS
        special certification from The Joint Commission, the   CPA,  tax, who specializes in minimizing tax   (517) 410-7636  (517) 231-7606
        nation’s leading accrediting authority for hospitals.   liability and maximizing business growth and
        The Medication Compounding Certification means   value for their closely-held clients. Latham also
        Sparrow Eaton’s pharmacy department passed rigid   works closely with the firm’s affordable housing   Authorized Licensee of the Institute for Leadership Fitness.
        standards that ensure top-quality care for patients.   niche.

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