Page 21 - LRCC March 2021 Focus
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        as vice president and treasurer. Shareholder Brian   Cabinets, Inc.; Jason Johnson, J.E. Johnson; Jeff   of five new board members to their board of
        T. Gallagher was elected to the board of directors,   Kipfmiller, Answer  Heating  and  Cooling;  Dave   directors, composed of individuals committed to
        where he will serve as secretary.            Mollitor,  Consolidated Electrical Contractors;   diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I); Amanda
                                                     Steve Russell,  A/C Electric;  Mike Tenniswood,   Denney, MSU Federal Credit Union;  Reverend
        January was School Board Recognition Month and   American Plumbing;  Noah  Trombley, Bierlein-  Paul I. Elliot, First Christian Church (Disciples
        Ingham Intermediate School District (Ingham   Trombley  Electric and  Kevin  Wray, Valley   of Christ); Sergio Keck, Lansing School District;
        ISD),  along with schools across the entire state,   Electrical Contractors.             Maria Starr-Van Core, Labor Council for Latin
        celebrated the dedication and commitment of their                                        American Advancement (LCLAA); and  Ricci
        Board of Education. Ingham ISD Board Members                                             Lauren Stollsteimer, LGBTQ+ advocate/activist.
        include: John Wolenberg, president, began serving
        in 2005, lives in East Lansing; Nancy Stanley, vice                                                                   The    LCC
        president, began serving in 2009, lives in Mason;                                                                     Board     of
        Michael Flowers, treasurer, began serving in 2012,                                                                    T r ustee s
        lives in Lansing; Lori Zajac, treasurer, began                                                                        unanimously
        serving in 2018, lives in Holt and Erin Schor,                                                                        elected  new
        trustee, began serving in 2013, lives in Lansing.  Rozeboom  Cunningham  Anderton                                     officers  at
                                                                   The law firm of Loomis, Ewert,                             its   regular
        Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)                  Parsley,  Davis & Gotting  P.C.   Buck      Mathews        meeting on Jan.
        Greater Michigan Chapter announces new Board               is pleased to announce its 2021                            25.  The  latest
        of Directors leadership  for 2021:  The incoming           officers and executive committee:   slate of officers elected from the seven-member body
        officers are as follows: Chairman – Shawn Pnacek,          Ted  S.  Rozeboom  was elected   are Ryan Buck as chairperson, Angela Mathews as
        Great Lakes Bay Construction; Vice Chairman –              president of the Firm,  Sara L.   vice chairperson,  Robert Proctor as treasurer, and
        Jon Lynch, Three Rivers Corporation; Secretary             Cunningham was elected vice   Lawrence Hidalgo Jr. as secretary.
        – Brian Stadler, Wolgast Corporation; Treasurer –   Roragen  president, James F. Anderton, V
        Mike Laundra, Alloy Construction Service, Inc.;            was elected treasurer,  Kevin J.   Jim McNeeley, CPA,  partner,  director  of
        and Immediate Past Chairman – Ken Misiewicz,   Roragen was elected secretary.            accounting & outsourced solutions, assumed the
        Pleune  Service  Company.  2021  Directors:  Erick                                       role of Chairman of the Board at Maner Costerisan
        Forshee, Fisher Companies; Glenn Hengesbach,   The  Michigan Diversity Education Center   effective January 1. McNeeley joined the firm
        Albin Hengesbach Carpentry & Custom          (MiDEC) is pleased to announce the appointment   in 2002 and serves as director of the growing

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