Page 11 - LRCC FOCUS June 2020
P. 11
Jack Davis: The Consummate Leader in Business, Community
Advocacy, and Philanthropy
THE GREATER LANSING REGION LOST A build the Lansing Grand River Assembly Plant. Those investments retained
LEGEND when Jack Davis passed away on and created thousands of jobs in the region.
May 28, 2020. When one considers the
term ‘community leader,’ a vision of Jack “He always showed up, and he always followed through,” former Lansing Mayor
Davis and his legacy come to mind. There David Hollister told the Lansing State Journal. “There wasn’t any major project
was hardly a worthwhile cause or important in the city or region that hasn’t been impacted by Jack, directly or indirectly.”
community endeavor that did not have Jack’s
involvement and leadership. Jack Davis was a leading voice in the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
(LRCC) throughout his career. He served as chair of the board in 1997 and was
Jack Davis was a Lansing kid – a product extremely active in the LRCC’s political action committee, LRC-PAC, helping
of the Lansing schools, graduating from raise funds and elect candidates to local, state, and national offices. Among
Lansing Eastern before attending the the numerous accolades, he received during his career was the Chamber’s
University of Wisconsin and Harvard Law Community Service Award in 2002.
School. In 1966, he joined Loomis Law
firm, where he went on to become a highly “Jack was dedicated to helping the Lansing region realize its full potential, said
successful attorney and businessman. Davis Tim Daman, president & CEO, LRCC. “His philanthropic work over the
years helped support our non-profit community provide help to those in need.
Jack was deeply committed to building a better region. One of his most notable Most importantly, to all of us who have had the privilege of knowing and
leadership roles came when he chaired the blue-ribbon task force to Keep GM working with Jack, he was a good friend. Our deepest condolences to Jack’s
in Lansing during the late 1990s. Those efforts led to the eventual decision by wife, Susan, and family during this difficult time. Jack Davis will be deeply
General Motors to reinvest in the Lansing Grand River Assembly Plant and missed by us all.” n
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