Page 17 - FOCUS February 2020
P. 17


        Teacher Shortage Creates Problems: Let’s Focus on Solutions


        HISTORIC   LOWS,   many
        industry   sectors   are
        struggling to find great
        employees.  The  education
        community has been hit
        with the same challenges.                    year – a stunning tenfold increase in just five years.”   to get to this point, and it will take a concerted
        Also,  the  pipeline  for                    Many of these long-term subs aren’t highly qualified   effort and time to improve.  The issue becomes
        future educators – teacher   Mellema         or certified, but instead people who are interested   focusing on what we can control. K-12 public
        preparation programs – have                  in helping kids.  This makes a difference in the   school districts have been partnering with higher
        seen  a  dramatic  decrease  in  student  enrollment.   quality of education our students are receiving.  education institutions and research partners to help
        Data from the U.S. Department of Education                                               with preparation for those coming into the field.
        shows Michigan has had an over 70% decrease   Unlike the private sector, education cannot increase   Within Ingham Intermediate School District and
        in enrollment in teacher preparation programs   pay by producing more widgets, nor raise prices on   throughout the state, conversations are happening
        between the 2008-2009 and 2016-2017 school   our product – the student and their families – to   about how to improve onboarding programs and
        years.  To be blunt, we have a teacher shortage   reflect high demand. Instead, funding is tied to the   retention of staff. We continue to reach out and
        problem.                                     per-pupil aid determined by our legislators and the   encourage our legislators to help find solutions to
                                                     number of students we are serving.          allow retirees back into the profession, especially
        In a 2017 white paper published by the Michigan                                          in critical shortage areas like special education and
        Department of Education,  Trends in Michigan   Further complicating the matter  are changes our   math. Finally, if we can all agree on the goal of our
        Teacher Certification, 9,964 initial certificates were   legislators made to overall benefits, restrictions on   children having a world-class education that allows
        issued for teachers during the peak school year of   school retirees entering the classroom, approximately   them to reach their dreams, we must recognize that
        2003-2004. By 2015-2016,  the number of  initial   100 new public school academies/charters since   improving perception around public education is
        certificates had dropped 62% to 3,696. According   2003-2004, competition between districts for staff   about us – all of us – within our community.
        to count data on, the student   and those educators that have left the profession.
        population dropped approximately 11% during   Noting the challenges impacting the ecosystem,   Collectively, we can make a difference. Drop a
        the same time period. This has led to a significant   waiting for the dust to settle seems like professional   note  of  thanks  to  teachers  who  work  tirelessly,  a
        increase in long-term substitutes in the classroom   malpractice as current students are stuck.  simple  thank  you  to  the  staff  who  work  to  keep
        with a cost to the quality of education for students.                                    the building and grounds clean, or a handshake to
        A recent long-term substitute study by Bridge   SO, HOW DO WE SOLVE THIS?                the administration are all ideas to help educators
        Magazine reports that, “more than 2,500 Michigan                                         know that you appreciate what they do. Please join
        classrooms were led by long-term substitutes who   While the teacher shortage has been exacerbated in   me in recognizing the educators who are making a
        weren’t certified teachers in the 2018-2019 school   recent years, the reality is that it has taken us years   positive impact on students every day. n

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