Page 20 - FOCUS February 2020
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NEW HIRES Sherman Award at the hospital holiday celebration
on Jan. 4. Each year, two ERMC employees are
Dewpoint, a leading provider of technology recognized for providing exceptional service to
consulting and implementation solutions, is fellow staff members, patients, and the community.
pleased to welcome two new professionals to The award, also known as the Employees of the
Lansing, Thompson Ganduri, QA engineer and Year Award, was established to honor Dr. Albert
Madhumitha Maniam, application developer. Meinke and Dr. Eber Sherman, physicians who
were instrumental in the founding of Eaton Rapids
Masha Comstock is a Medical Center.
multilingual communications
expert, artist, skilled chef and
now aspiring sales assistant and Ayres – 3 years; Christopher Mumby – 3 years;
IT apprentice. Masha has joined Michael Kelly – 1 year and Patrick O’Connor – 1
the Providence Consulting’s year.
“Team Behind the Screen” to help
make technology easier, as well PROMOTIONS
as spread endless cheer while
building strong connections with their clients. With a focus on continuing to
move LAFCU forward in today’s
AWARDS changing financial services
McLaren Greater Lansing nurse Charlie environment, LAFCU has
Sparrow Clinton Hospital’s Hall was honored with the DAISY Award for created the position of enterprise
Beth Daugherty has received Extraordinary Nurses. The award is part of the liaison. Jamell Williams has
a prestigious DAISY Lifetime DAISY Foundation’s program to recognize the been tapped for this new
Achievement Award for exceptional care nurses provide every day. Hall was Williams position. He will develop,
promoting a positive image of the rewarded by hospital leadership and co-workers and implement and manage various
nursing profession throughout received a certificate commending her for being an corporate initiatives that strengthen LAFCU,
her illustrious career. Hospital “Extraordinary Nurse,” as well as a sculpture called achieve superior member service and serve to live
nursing leaders and caregivers “A Healer’s Touch,” hand-carved by artists of the LAFCU’s philosophy, Your Credit Union for Life.
held a surprise ceremony to Shona Tribe in Africa.
reveal the honor to Daugherty, BSN, RN, MPH,
CRRN, hospital administrative officer and chief Sparrow Ionia Hospital
nursing officer at Sparrow Clinton. has honored Emergency
Department Nurse Catharina
Jack C. Davis, and Loomis, Ewert, Parsley, Davis (Cat) Green, RN, with a DAISY
& Gotting PC in Lansing, have been named the Award for extraordinary nurses
“Recommended Attorney & Firm in Michigan in recognition of her patient-
for 2020” by “The Corporate Lawyers, the centered approach to care. Green,
Premier Guide to the Nation’s Leading Corporate who was presented the award
Attorneys.” The Loomis Law Firm is committed Green in a recent ceremony, has been
to providing expert, innovative and cost-effective consistently recognized through patient comments
solutions to complex legal problems. For over for the compassionate care she provides to everyone.
65 years, they have served as trusted advisors to
Michigan businesses from start-ups to Fortune 500 DISTINCTIONS
companies, helping them navigate the challenges
of an ever-changing legal, regulatory and business Rose Tantraphol of Moonsail North earned her
environment. Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) credential
and was invited to judge and train future APR
certification sessions around the country. This
prestigious certification is a rigorous process and is
a testament to Rose’s PR chops.
January was School Board Recognition Month.
This was a time to recognize the individuals who
approach their volunteer work like it is a full-time
job and with extraordinary dedication to public
(Left to right) ERMC Administrative Assistant Kathryn Huston-Smith, schools. They are citizens whose decisions affect
President & CEO Tim Johnson and Registered Nurse Lisa Shepler.
our children and build our community. The men
Eaton Rapids Medical Center (ERMC) and women serving Mason Public Schools and
employees Lisa Shepler, RN and Kathryn Huston- their years of service are Ralph Beebe – 20 years;
Smith were honored with the Dr. Meinke and Dr. Kurt Creamer – 7 years; Liz Evans – 3 years; Tim