Page 23 - FOCUS February 2020
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in historically undercounted communities. A to facilities, safety and security. Each building Lansing and Genesis Surgery Centers are located
complete and accurate count is critical as the will receive a new multi-purpose room, additional in Lansing and have a proven history of providing
Census is used to allocate federal, state, and local classrooms and a new secure entry. Planned first-class medical and surgical care in a safe,
funding, as well as representation in Congress. layout changes, remodeling and mechanical and comfortable, and welcoming environment.
The programs funded by these grants will go a electrical upgrades are also part of the project. In
long way toward making that happen in the tri- addition, site improvements will expand parking Maplegrove Property Management announced
county region. The grants were made possible and improve student pick-up and drop-off to that it has changed its name to Krimson. The
by support from more than forty organizations, ensure each student is safe during high-traffic company is one of Michigan’s leading property
including the State of Michigan. times. management, real estate investment and
development companies. The company, which has
Recently, Jackson National Life Insurance 110 employees across the state, will use the rebrand
Company awarded Peckham with a $10,000 as a launching point as it prepares for future
grant in support of Peckham’s Supported Work growth. The company was created in 2001 with a
Experience (SWE) Community Internship foundation of focusing on hospitality, community
program. Currently, the SWE program provides and providing the best possible experience for its
skill building services to adults with developmental residents and tenants. Krimson sets itself apart by
disabilities and traumatic brain injuries referred treating each of its properties as its own unique
for services by Community Mental Health of community.
Clinton, Ingham, and Eaton counties. The goal
of SWE is to provide participants the opportunity MSU Federal Credit Union’s learning and talent
to practice and build needed employment skills to development program has been named among
achieve integrated community employment either Training Magazine’s Top 125 most successful in
at Peckham or with another community employer. the world for the second consecutive year. Several
components of the Credit Union’s Learning and
The first phase of the three phase Capital McLaren Greater Lansing is now the majority Talent Development program were evaluated for
Improvement Project in Mason Public stakeholder for Lansing Genesis Surgery Centers the 2019 award, including alignments with strategic
Schools will wrap up in August 2020. Alaiedon with two existing convenient locations on Lake goals, learning innovations, programs offered, and
Elementary and North Aurelius Elementary Lansing and Jolly Road, offering even more access its outstanding training initiative, What is Phishing?
Schools are receiving significant improvements to care for patients across Mid-Michigan. Both Information Security Awareness Series. n
The GLCVB’s role is to market the Capital Region as a travel destination
and our vision is to inspire visitors and residents alike to love Lansing as
much as we do. We understand what makes this community great. Work
with us to host your next meeting or event and together we can grow the (517) 487-0077
local economy while showcasing our hometown pride. Contact us today! #LOVELANSING