Page 6 - FOCUS February 2020
P. 6


        Kelli Ellsworth Etchison to Receive 2019

        Community Service Award

        KELLI  ELLSWORTH  ETCHISON,  AN  AWARD-WINNING                     of Lansing Community College Foundation board of directors, Dr. Martin
        MARKETER with more than 35 years of experience in                  Luther  King  Jr.  Commission  of  Mid-Michigan,  Rivers  of  Life  Church
        the credit union industry and an ardent support of the             Cleaning Team and We Rise Women’s Ministry, Capital Area United Way
        community, has been named the recipient of the 2019                Board of  Directors, Lansing  Mayor’s Drug-Free  Youth Committee  and
        Community Service Award by the Lansing Regional                    Erickson Learning Foundation board of directors.
        Chamber of Commerce (LRCC).  Ellsworth Etchison
        will be presented with her award during the LRCC’s                “We are put on this planet to serve, which is something my mom instilled in
        108th Annual Dinner on Thursday, Feb. 27.                          me,” says Ellsworth Etchison. “You do those things because they are part of
                                                                           your core foundational beliefs.”
        “I was really blown away when I heard the news,”   Ellsworth Etchison
        said Ellsworth Etchison.  “When you do something                   Kelli even lent her talent to the Dancing with the Local Stars community
        because you want to do it, you don’t do it for recognition – so, to receive   fundraiser for Care Free Medical and Dental, where she and her dance
        something so prestigious as the Chamber’s Community Service award was   partner, Mark Taylor won the championship. Kelli says her partner is a
        awe-inspiring.”                                                    fantastic dancer and her dance moves are in her genes.

        Kelli serves as chief marketing officer at LAFCU, where she oversees the   “My 84-year old mom is something else on the dance floor,” said Ellsworth
        development and support of strategic initiatives. She is also responsible for   Etchison. “She is not your typical 84-year old. She knows more line dances
        corporate objectives and outcomes and managing the corporate brand and   than I do.  She is a smooth operator.”
        community impact. A staunch advocate of education, Ellsworth Etchison
        has focused much of LAFCU’s programming on youth financial literacy   Kelli has won numerous awards and recognition for her work in the
        education. She has spearheaded college scholarship programs, providing   community, including the National Sojourner Truth Meritorious Service
        thousands of dollars for education to women, high school seniors and   Award by the National Association of Negro Business and Professional
        military-affiliated students of all ages.                          Women’s Clubs, Inc. Greater Lansing Area Chapter.

        “It really does help to work for an organization that will allow you to fly with   “It is very humbling to be recognized for community service,” said Ellsworth
        your ideas,” said Ellsworth Etchison. “It is also important that we give back   Etchison. “I love that the community we serve is such a great community.
        to our young people and help them shape what their future will look like.”  There are a lot of wonderful organizations to support.”

        In the community, helping people is where you will most often find Kelli.   Kelli and her husband Robin have three adult children and four
        She is a fervent supporter of the  YMCA of Metropolitan Lansing. She   grandchildren. She loves spending time with family and friends. Kelli is a
        serves on the board and was the first African-American female board   native of Pontiac but will always remain a tireless advocate for the Greater
        chairperson. She is a newly elected board member of Lansing Promise and   Lansing community with a sincere passion for life. n
        a member of Rotary Club of Lansing. She is a current or former member

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