Page 18 - LRCC July 2024 FOCUS
P. 18

FOCUS ON TALENT                                                               FOCUS MAGAZINE | JULY 2024

        Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce Announces Strategic

        Partnership with Stunio to Drive Business Innovation

              he Lansing Regional                                                   commitment to making Stunio
              Chamber of Commerce                                                   a success story rooted in the
        T(LRCC) is excited to                                                       Greater Lansing region, where
        announce a new strategic                                                    our company was founded, “ said
        partnership with Stunio, a local                                            Adam Green, Founder and CEO,
        company born out of Michigan State University’s Burgess   Stunio. “The Chamber has been an exceptional partner,
        Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. This     and now we aim to collaborate with the hundreds of
        collaboration will provide valuable talent resources to the   businesses across the region who are looking to fill their
        Lansing business community.                             short-term staffing needs. Together, we can enhance
                                                                our area’s staffing solutions with local, trustworthy, and
        Stunio specializes in connecting businesses with college   enthusiastic college students seeking flexible work
        students for on-demand assistance within minutes,       opportunities and pathways to future employment.”
        offering a unique and dynamic support system. Through
        this partnership, LRCC members will have access        “This strategic partnership will play a crucial role in
        to Stunio’s innovative platform, fostering stronger     integrating the MSU student population into the Greater
        ties between the business community and the next        Lansing Region, as well as become a great resource for
        generation of talented professionals.                   local businesses to find and connect with local talent,”
                                                                said Sarah Bakken, Talent Development Manager, LRCC.
        “Stunio is rapidly expanding, and so are our ambitions to
        grow it into a nationwide platform that benefits college   To learn more about Stunio, please visit
        students and businesses everywhere. This partnership l
        with the Lansing Chamber of Commerce highlights our

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