Page 23 - LRCC July 2024 FOCUS
P. 23                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        NEW HIRES                            technologist license, a bachelor’s    remediation of leaking underground
                                             degree in healthcare management       storage tank sites, coordinating field
                          The Lansing        from Sienna Heights University,       activities, completing subsurface
                          Sports             and a bachelor’s of nursing from      investigations, and monitoring well
                          Commission         Michigan State University.            installation. Josh Gage has also
                          has named                                                joined Triterra as an environmental
                          Taylor McKay                                             technician intern for the summer.
                          its new sports                                           Gage is currently pursuing a civil and
                          development                                              environmental engineering degree
                          manager. McKay                                           at Calvin University.
                          brings years
                          of experience                                            PROMOTIONS
                          in sales,
        management, and hospitality to
        the Lansing Sports Commission.
        She has a bachelor’s degree in       Royston           Franke
        hospitality management from
        Niagara University in New York,      Centennial Group has several new
        where she was an award-winning       hires. Ashley Royston is an account
        player on the basketball team. As    service representative who helps
        the sports development manager,      with day-to-day administration and
        McKay will develop and maintain      service to Centennial’s employee
        relationships with sports rights     benefits clients. Meanwhile,
        holders, national governing bodies,   Justin Franke and Caleb Fitch        Williams         Brouwer
        local facility representatives, and   are newly hired associate benefits   Origami Rehabilitation has named
        the lodging community to solicit,    consultants who will interface with   Christina Williams as its new
        secure, and create sporting events   companies to help navigate the        admissions supervisor. Williams
        for Greater Lansing.                 group insurance market.               has been on the Origami team
                                                                                   for five years and has consistently
        Martin Waymire, a Lansing-                                                 demonstrated her leadership
        based public relations and                                                 abilities, dedication to client care,
        digital marketing firm, has hired                                          and ability to foster relationships. In
        Megan Stefl as a communications                                            her new role, she will lead Origami’s
        strategist. Stefl is a recent graduate                                     admissions team and continue
        of Michigan State University,                                              to maximize access to Origami’s
        earning a bachelor’s degree in                                             innovative services. Karley Brouwer
        public relations with a minor in                                           has also been named a recreational
        leadership of organizations. While                                         therapy supervisor. Brouwer has
        at MSU, Stefl was a member of the    Shadley           Trudeau             been on the Origami team for six
        Public Relations Student Society of                                        years and has been a cornerstone in
        America, where she matched with                        Environmental       the success of Origami’s recreational
        Martin Waymire’s Hannah Lupi as                        consulting firm     therapy services. Brouwer’s new role
        a professional mentor. Stefl started                   Triterra has hired   will focus on program development
        at Martin Waymire in May 2023 as a                     Shawn Shadley       and expanding access to care for
        student practitioner.                                  to its team of      those who would benefit from
                                                               environmental       recreational therapy services.
                          Sara Beck joins                      experts at its
                          the Origami                          Grand Rapids                         Centennial
                          Rehabilitation                       location. As                         Group has
                          team as their      Gage              an associate                         announced the
                          clinical nurse.                      scientist and                        promotion of
                          Beck worked as     director of multi-family housing,                      Allison Hummel
                          a direct support   Shadley will assist clients with                       to director of
                          professional at    the technical aspects of projects.                     operations after
                          Origami from       Meanwhile, Jake Trudeau joins                          ten years with
                          2012 to 2014.      Triterra as an environmental                           the organization.
                          Since then,        scientist in the Lansing office. He                    Hummel brings
        she has obtained her radiologic      will focus on the investigation and   Hummel           to this role a

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