Page 25 - LRCC July 2024 FOCUS
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                                             companies, defined as having six      Manager (ACom®). The process
                                              to 99 full-time employees and        involves coursework and testing
                                             generating $750,000 to $50 million    concepts such as maintenance
                                              in annual revenue or working         management, commercial leases
                                             capital from investors or grants.     and negotiations, and property
                                             Additionally, the companies           accounting, forecasting, and
                                             must be privately held and            budgeting.
                                              headquartered in Michigan.
                                                                                   McLaren Greater Lansing’s Wound
                                              Mayberry Homes has been              Care Center has received the
                                             recognized by the U.S.                Robert A. Warriner III, M.D., Clinical
            On-Demand Leadership             Environmental Protection Agency       Excellence Award by Healogics,
                                              with a 2024 Energy Star Market       the nation’s largest provider of
            Training for On-The-Go           Leader Award for its contribution     advanced wound care services. The
                     Leaders                  to building energy-efficient new     local wound care center scored
                                              homes in the Greater Lansing area.   in the top 10 percent of eligible
               Starting   Susan Combs, MBA, PCC  As of June 2024, Mayberry Homes   Healogics Wound Care Centers on
            October 1     Ross Woodstock, Leadership   has built more than 1,780 Energy   the clinical excellence measure.
                                              Star-certified homes, helping        The McLaren Greater Lansing
                                             reduce carbon dioxide emissions       Wound Care Center is a member
                                              by over 1,000 metric tons and        of the Healogics network of over
                                             achieving 2.4M kWh of annual          600 wound care centers and
                                             electric savings.                     offers specialized care to patients
                                                                                   suffering from diabetic foot ulcers,
                     Register Now                                                  venous stasis ulcers, arterial ulcers,
                                                                                   pressure ulcers, infections, and
                                                                                   other chronic wounds. The McLaren
                                                                                   Greater Lansing’s Wound Care
                                                                                   Center has served the Greater
                                                                                   Lansing community for over 22
                                                                                   COMPANY NEWS
                                                              With a proven
                                                                                                     track record
                  SAME NAME.                                                                         in navigating
                SAME SERVICES.                McLaren Greater Lansing nurse                          complex media
              NEW LOCATION.                   Nicole Sebolt was honored with       and public landscapes, improving
                                              the DAISY Award for Extraordinary
                                                                                   executive visibility, and giving back

             114 West Allegan Street Lansing, Michigan 48933  Nurses. The award is part of the   to her community, Andrea Bitely
                    (Downtown Lansing)
                                             DAISY Foundation’s program to         brings extensive experience from
                                             recognize the exceptional care        diverse sectors including business,
                                             nurses provide every day. Sebolt      law, and government. Bitely
                                              was recognized by hospital           Communications is proud to be
                                              leadership and coworkers, and she    women-owned and operated in the
                                             received a certificate commending     City of Lansing.
                                              her for being an “Extraordinary
                                             Nurse,” as well as a sculpture called   MSU Health Care at McLaren
                                             “A Healer’s Touch,” hand-carved       Greater Lansing Outpatient
                                              by artists of the Shona people in    Imaging Center has invested in
                                             Zimbabwe.                             Deep Resolve Boost, an artificial
                                                                                   intelligence technology that
                                              NAI Mid-Michigan’s Megan             shortens scan times and improves
                                              Evans recently attained              the patient experience for anyone
                                              the Institute of Real Estate         needing an MRI exam. Boost is a
                                             Management’s (IREM) designation       scanning technology that uses AI
                                             of Accredited Commercial              post-processing to gather data faster.

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