Page 26 - LRCC July 2024 FOCUS
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Instead of a patient being in the MRI the necessary clinical experience
machine for 30 minutes, imaging and skills under the supervision of
could take just 10 to 15 minutes, nursing professionals. To qualify for
according to hospital officials. The the nursing internship program,
joint venture outpatient imaging students must actively be enrolled
facility opened less than a year ago. in a nursing program and have
completed their second semester of
nursing clinicals. Those who qualify
can apply online. Nurse interns can
choose from six-, eight-, or 12-hour
shifts, including day and night shifts.
In June 2024, Origami
Rehabilitation celebrated three Waverly Community Schools is
years of serving the community creating the Waverly High School
and expanding access to care at Athletics Hall of Fame. Waverly High
its satellite location in Lansing, School is one of the few public schools
called Origami West. Origami West in the country to have a grad play in
Lansing Community College offers the same outpatient services the Super Bowl, World Series, and the
honored its graduates in a May 9th available at Origami’s Mason Stanley Cup Finals. The Waverly Hall of
commencement ceremony at the location, including physical therapy, Fame Committee invites nominations
Jack Breslin Student Events Center occupational therapy, speech- until July 31. The induction ceremony
on the Michigan State University language pathology, mental health is planned for a basketball game in
campus. An estimated 1,705 students therapy, and driver rehabilitation. the winter. In addition to nominations,
were eligible to participate in the the committee is also looking for
ceremony. Governor Gretchen donations and corporate sponsorships.
Whitmer delivered this year’s If you or your business would like to
commencement speech. Richard make a monetary donation, please
Peffley was honored as the 2024 contact Vince Perkins at
Distinguished Alumni. Peffley is l
a 1982 graduate of LCC and is the
general manager of the Lansing
Board of Water and Light.
Speech-language pathologist
Linda Wells has retired from
Origami Rehabilitation after
15 years of creating opportunities
and transforming the lives of
her clients. Wells celebrated her
retirement this spring.
Commercial real estate advisor
Concord Hospitality Enterprises Steve Slater of NAI Mid-Michigan COMPANY
held its annual leadership recently finalized a significant sales
conference aboard Carnival’s Allure transaction on behalf of the owner NEWS
of the Seas cruise ship in early May. of 8181 Coleman Road in Haslett,
The Hyatt House Lansing and AC MI. The property, measuring 20,628 LRCC members can
by Marriott Lansing- University square feet, represents Slater’s send a press release and
Area Hotels were announced as second commercial property sale photo about new hires,
the 2023 “Opening Hotels of the of 20,000 square feet or more in the promotions, company
Year” companywide. As part of the first part of the year. recognitions or awards to
Red Cedar Development, these
properties along the Michigan McLaren Greater Lansing offers and we will share it in our
Avenue corridor opened in August a nurse internship program. popular Members on the
2023, bringing 295 overnight rooms Internships allow nursing students
and 5,000 square feet of meeting to complement their school-based Move section.
space to the Lansing community. theory learning by developing