Page 30 - LRCC October 2022 Focus
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                    FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  OCTOBER 2022

        the legacy of a respected Sparrow    Looking for a soft drink, lottery ticket,
        board member and community           notary public, and authentic Indian
        leader. The fellowship is named for   food all in one place? Make sure you
        the late James W. Butler III, who    stop into Market On The SQ², a new
        championed access to health quality   business offering all that and more.
        care for the most vulnerable and led   While the store continues to grow,
        efforts toward the state's first medical   there's no shortage of customers.
        clinic for the homeless. Coleman, a   Check out the new store at 212 S.
        Kalamazoo native, will work closely   Washington Sq. Open 8 a.m. to 6:30   MeTV is moving its local affiliation to
        alongside Sparrow senior leadership   p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10   WILX. America's #1 Classic Television
        and caregivers over the next year    a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.              Network, MeTV is a highly rated
        to prepare himself for a career in                                         channel featuring 60+ of the greatest
        healthcare management.                                                     brand-name T.V. shows. It is family-
                                                                                   friendly, quality entertainment in
                                                                                   a safe, consistent and engaging
                                                                                   environment. Beginning Monday,
                                                                                   Oct. 3, News 10 @ 10 will air Monday
                                                                                   through Friday from 10 p.m. to 10:30
                                                                                   p.m. on MeTV. News 10 @ 10 will be
                                                                                   anchored by the trusted team of
                                                                                   David Andrews and Ann Emmerich,
                                                                                   with First Alert Weather from Andy
                                             With shovels in hand, Child and       Provenzano and sports from the
                                             Family Charities broke ground on      News 10 Sports team of Tim Staudt,
        Closing on a LAFCU mortgage was      renovations to the new Jackson        Fred Heumann, Kellan Buddy, and
        lucky for Dave and Shay Cooper       House. The celebration marks the start   Joey Ellis.
        of Stanton, and Octavia Zurhorst,    of a comprehensive transformation
        of Grand Ledge, in more than the     to a portion of the former McLaren
        traditional way. In addition to securing   Greater Lansing Hospital site. The
        the loan itself, the holders of each   Jackson House will serve as a safe     A Leadership
        mortgage won a $1,200 travel voucher   place for teens and youth without a
        through a contest held by the credit   stable home environment. Jackson         Book with a
        union. Anyone who closed on a LAFCU   National Life Insurance Company
                                             (Jackson ) and its associates donated
        mortgage in 2021 was eligible to win.  $940,000 to underwrite the cost of the  TWIS T
        COMPANY NEWS                         Jackson House. They also volunteered
                                             their time to clean out and prepare
                                             the building for renovations.

                                             Lake Superior Community
        Waverly Community Schools            Partnerships joined Edge
        officially broke ground for          Partnerships on Aug. 31 for the
        considerable upgrades to its learning   marketing and communication
        environments. Voters approved the    agency's Marquette grand opening      Author: Ross Woodstock
        bonds in May 2021 which do not       celebration at 148 W. Washington           Executive Coach and
        increase the district’s current millage   Street. Edge, with offices in Lansing   Leadership Consultant
        rate. The $125 million project will   and Chicago, expanded to the                Available on Amazon
        provide 21st century learning spaces as   Upper Peninsula in response to
        well as enhance safety and security for   the high demand for strategic
        all those using district facilities.  marketing services.

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