Page 31 - LRCC October 2022 Focus
P. 31                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

                          Ingham             #LiftUpLocal. In addition to Block Aid,   Grand Rapids. The 6,500 square-foot,
                          Intermediate       Downtown Lansing Inc. is teaming      state-of-the-art, full-service banking
                          School District    up with Michigan Premier Events to    facility opened for business on
                          recently launched   bring you Forks and Corks - an upscale   Monday, Sept. 12.
                          a new mobile       evening of unparalleled wine and food
                          application for    pairings showcasing culinary treats
                          families, staff, and   from some of the top dining spots
        local district representatives. Available   in Downtown Lansing, presented by
        on both Google Play and the App      Lexus of Lansing. The event will be
        Store, the free mobile application   held on Allegan Street from 4 p.m. to
        provides important on-the-go         7 p.m. as an outdoor art garden party
        information and alerts in an easy-to-  within the Block Aid Event.
        use format. To download the mobile
        application, simply search Ingham ISD
        on Google Play for Android devices                                         LAFCU is offering free document
        or the App Store for Apple devices.                                        shredding to the public at the
        There is no cost to use the mobile                                         credit union’s Shred Day, Saturday,
        application.                                                               Oct. 15, 10 a.m. to noon, to help
                                                                                   reduce identity theft. A mobile
        Downtown Lansing Inc. is partnering                                        shredding truck will be at LAFCU’s
        with Lansing 5:01 once again to bring                                      headquarters/West Lansing Branch,
        you a second Block Aid event Thursday,   On Thursday, Sept. 8, Union Bank   106 N. Marketplace Blvd., Lansing,
        Oct. 6, starting at 5:01 p.m. The event   Board of Directors, employees, and   for on-site, secure destruction of
        will feature live music, local food, Social   community members gathered   personal documents. The paper
        District drinks to sip and stroll the   together to celebrate the opening   will be recycled. Each person may
        event, art vendors, a kids’ zone, and   of the bank's new corporate office   drop off up to four bankers boxes of
        all your favorite businesses ready to   at 670 Cascade W Parkway S.E. in   materials to be shred. l

                     Does your message
                        feel scattered?

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               5                                   17
                   4                            19
                         3      2    1                                Beautiful, Premium
                                       23       20
                                           22                      Office Space in Okemos
            Connect the dots with storytelling strategy.                  Utilities & Wi-Fi are Included

                                                                                      Take a Virtual Tour!
            Strategic Creative Services

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