Page 14 - LRCC March 2023 Focus
P. 14
Will Greater Lansing Have the Housing to Support
Future Workforce Needs?
Elevation Okemos, located west of the intersection of Okemos and Jolly Roads. The
project includes apartments, retail space along with a clubhouse and fitness center.
n many respects, Greater “For every 1.8 jobs coming into the area,
Lansing’s economy is poised we need a new housing unit,” said
for robust growth. The region Brent Forsberg, president, TA Forsberg,
has made a strong comeback Inc. “You need quality housing to
amid the Covid pandemic, attract a quality workforce. Economic
despite the supply chain development, economic growth.
I challenges, labor shortages, Housing and the living experience of
and inflation. Reasons for optimism people all come together.”
were dramatically bolstered by
the announcement in 2022 from Forsberg McDaniel “Housing is the platform that you
General Motors and Ultium Cells that need to have to build the economy
their partnership will invest $2.6 billion for a new EV around,” said Mark McDaniel, CEO, Cinnaire, a community
battery plant to be constructed in Delta Township. That development organization. “If you don’t have adequate
move positions the region to be at the forefront of the housing that is affordable for all income ranges, you don’t
electric vehicle revolution and the thousands of jobs have a healthy community.”
that come along with it.
The housing industry has struggled in recent years as new
Multiple industry sectors are flourishing in the region, housing production has fallen far short of demand. Over
promising even more growth. However, beneath the last six years, permits for new homes have been less
the surface is a concern that could hamper growth: than half what Michigan experienced between 1986 and
can the region produce enough quality housing 2006. That impacts existing housing availability, particularly
to support the workforce? For many communities, for low-and middle-income families, and has created an
housing is the lynchpin that is key to sustained aging housing stock. The number of available rental units
economic growth. declined by 40 percent between 2010 and 2019.