Page 15 - LRCC March 2023 Focus
P. 15

In 2020, the Lansing Regional Chamber                   have getting zoning approvals from local government
        of Commerce and ten other regional                      for land use and the workforce shortage, which was a
        organizations released the State of                     challenge pre-Covid and has become of bigger problem
        the Region Report, a study conducted                    post-Covid.
        by Anderson Economic Group that
        compared the Lansing region to 11                      “Then you throw in inflation and higher interest rates, and
        similarly positioned regions around                     even though the demand is still there, the supply side has
        the country in 42 key metrics. The                      been unable to match the economics of what it takes to
        study concluded that Lansing must                       build a new house,” said Forsberg. “That’s how we have hit
        grow the size of its private sector and   Japinga       this spot where it has become hard to build.”
        its population base to compete more
        effectively. Yet, when it came to the                   Among the hardest hit in the housing market are first-time
        number of construction permits issued                   homebuyers. Rising costs and interest rates have increased
        between 2014 and 2018, Lansing was                      the size of both the down payment needed and the size of
        next to last among the 12 regions                       the mortgage to purchase a home, keeping many potential
        compared in the research.                               customers on the sidelines.

        “We have to face the challenge of
        figuring out how we can update the                        BUILDER TRACK REPORT —
        current housing stock and at the same                     LANSING AREA, 4TH QUARTER 2022.
        time develop enough new housing to   Kosloski
        help attract more people for the jobs
        we will have available in the region,”                               
        said Steve Japinga, LRCC, senior vice                         
        president for public affairs. “Look                           
        at the Stadium District downtown                              
        where the Chamber is located. That                             
        started as an office building with retail                      
        and condos. People started to come                            
        downtown to live, and things expanded                         
        with restaurants, nightspots, and a                           
        grocery store. Soon it was a whole new   Webber                
        neighborhood. We need to expand that                           
        model throughout the region.”                                 
        Homebuilders Plagued by Labor Shortage, Supply                 
        Chain Challenges, and Rising Prices                            
        Like many industries, homebuilders have struggled to          
        secure the workers needed for each job, which, combined                                                       Source: Homebuilders Association of Greater Lansing
        with supply chain challenges, have served to lengthen the     
        time to build homes and drive up costs.                       
        “While supply chain issues still are creating some backlog,     
        the biggest challenge is the labor force,” said Cindy Kosloski,                                     page 4
        CEO, Home Builders Association of Greater Lansing. “A
        career in construction is rewarding, good pay, and an
        opportunity to work independently in many cases. We will
        continue to encourage students to consider construction as
        a career path.”                                        “When you have an almost $100,000 increase in three years
                                                                in the median home value, that tells you how much upward
        Forsberg says many of today’s challenges in housing     pressure there is,” said Forsberg.
        can be traced back to the last recession. Since 2009,
        Forsberg says banks have been reluctant to provide      Home Sales Challenges Include Low Inventory
        financing on infrastructure for developers, which are
        some of the largest expenses, especially in the early   A recent report from the National Association of Realtors
        portion of a project. He also cites the rising costs    said that U.S. home sales dropped nearly 18 percent last
        associated with government regulation which now         year, the biggest annual decline since 2008, during the
        account for 18 to 25 percent of the cost of a home.     housing crisis. Like much of the rest of the nation, the
        Forsberg says there are added challenges developers     Lansing region’s real estate market has been hampered by

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