Page 7 - 2024 March FOCUS Magazine
March 2024
3/1 AFFAIRS CALL UPDATE (VIRTUAL 3/12 Tuesday, March 12, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
ONLY) Playmakers, 2299 W. Grand River Avenue,
Friday, March 1, from 11 to 11:30 a.m. Okemos
ZOOM Mingle with fellow chamber members while enjoying
Join us every First Friday of the month for an insightful delicious refreshments and exploring the latest offerings
briefing on policy and political developments from Playmakers, one of the premier sports and fitness
impacting the business community. Hosted by LRCC retailers in the region. This is a fantastic opportunity
Public Affairs Senior Vice President, Steve Japinga, to connect with professionals from various industries,
these monthly calls are designed to keep our members exchange ideas, and foster meaningful business
informed and engaged. relationships in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.
Whether you’re a seasoned networker or new to the
Cost: This event is offered at no cost. scene, everyone is welcome to join!
MARCH LANSING ECONOMIC CLUB: Cost: This event is offered at no cost.
Tuesday, March 5, from 11:30 a.m. CHAMBER 360
to 1:30 p.m. 3/12 Thursday, March 21, from 8:30 to 10 a.m.
Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center, Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce,
219 S. Harrison Road, East Lansing 500 E. Michigan Avenue, Suite 200,
Proudly sponsored by Consumers Energy, this event Lansing
will feature a panel of local leaders who will share their As a current member or a business considering joining
insights into leadership. Gain valuable perspectives on the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce (LRCC), it
their personal journeys to leadership, the key elements of is critically important that you understand and utilize
successful leadership, and the significance of mentoring the tools, resources and relationships available to you
others to cultivate future leaders. Panelists include Lisa through your membership investment. The Chamber
Corless, president & CEO, AF Group; Margaret Dimond, 360 program provides an intimate venue for you to
Regional President, University of Michigan Health; Lisa connect with other members, provide brief remarks,
Webb Sharpe, Ed.D., chief operating officer, Peckham, meet the LRCC team and take a deeper dive into a
Inc. And Nicole Noll- Williams, president & CEO, LRCC membership.
Capital Region Airport Authority. Jessica Tramontana,
community affairs manager, Consumers Energy, will Cost: This event is offered at no cost.
moderate the program.
Cost: Tickets are offered at no charge for Lansing LRCC BUSINESS
Economic Club members, $55 for LRCC members and
$75 for future LRCC members. A table of eight is $425. ROUNDTABLES
ATHENA WIN PROFESSIONAL Delta Township – Eaton County
3/7 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Wednesday, March 6, from 9 to 10 a.m.
EMBRACING YOUR UNIQUE STYLE Ohana Sushi, 707 Brookside Drive, Lansing
Thursday, March 7, from 8 to 9:30 a.m. Lansing – Delhi Township
Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce, Wednesday, March 13, from 9 to 10 a.m.
500 E. Michigan Avenue, Suite 200, Lansing American Red Cross-Mid Michigan Chapter,
In this engaging session, career coach, Chelsea Jay, 1729 E. Saginaw Street, Lansing
will explore the key characteristics of authentic
leaders, emphasizing the importance of self- East Lansing – Meridian Township
awareness, transparency, and leveraging individual Wednesday, March 20, from 9 to 10 a.m.
strengths. Through interactive activities, you’ll Delta Dental of Michigan,
have the opportunity for self-reflection, discovering 4100 Okemos Road, Okemos
your personal leadership values and learning to
communicate authentically. Clinton County
Wednesday, March 27, from 9 to 10 a.m.
Cost: This event is offered at no cost for ATHENA WIN AgroLiquid, 3055 W. M-21, St. Johns
members and $25 for future ATHENA WIN members.
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