Page 10 - 2024 March FOCUS Magazine
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CHAMBER NEWS                                                               FOCUS MAGAZINE | MARCH 2024

        Meet the New Lansing Regional Chamber Board Members

              he Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce is        Dr. Dimond has deep roots in Michigan and an extensive
              delighted to welcome seven new board members      background in all facets of hospital operations, including
        Tto its 2024 Board of Directors. Learn more about       acute care, ambulatory, and physician group experience.
        the seven newcomers below.                              Dimond has a proven track record of success by leading
                                                                caregivers toward common goals while maintaining a
        Kwafo Adarkwa, ITC Holdings                             focus on caregiver and patient satisfaction, improved
                                                                quality metrics, and financial performance.
        As Director of Public Affairs for
        ITC Michigan, Kwafo Adarkwa                             Sarah Dolan, Michigan State
        builds relationships with policy                        University Federal Credit Union
        stakeholders and leads efforts to
        foster a public policy environment                      Sara Dolan, Chief Financial Officer
        conducive to ITC Michigan’s                             of MSUFCU, joined the Credit Union
        business priorities. Adarkwa has                        in 2005. Dolan also serves as CFO
        degrees from Michigan State          Adarkwa            of The Reseda Group, MSUFCU’s
        University, including BS in Electrical                  wholly owned Credit Union Service
        Engineering and MBA in Integrative Management.          Organization (CUSO) formed in 2021.
        Adarkwa serves on the boards of Michigan State          Dolan has been instrumental in the
        University Black Alumni Association, Clean Fuels        Credit Union’s growth and success, helping to triple the
        Michigan, the Michigan Energy Innovation Business       asset size in the 10 years since becoming CFO. Dolan
        Council and Citizens Research Council of Michigan.      donates her time and talents on the Board of Directors
        Additionally, Adarkwa is a member of the American       for several Lansing based business and philanthropic
        Association of Blacks in Energy and is a Commissioner   organizations.
        on the Dr. Martin Luther King Commission of Mid-
        Michigan.                                               Robyn Howell, LAFCU

        Paul Anderson, Granger                                  Robyn Howell joined LAFCU in 2017 as
        Waste Services                                          the credit union’s human resources
                                                                manager. Howell was promoted
        Paul Anderson has two decades                           in 2018 to vice president of human
        of experience at Granger Waste                          resources and to chief human
        Services, specializing in waste                         resources officer in 2021. Howell
        and recycling collection. As chief                      ascended to her current position as
        operating officer, Anderson is                          executive vice president and chief   Howell
        responsible for the development of                      operating officer in 2023.
        the company’s business strategies
        and for ensuring business goals      Anderson           Howell’s community service is exemplified by her
        are met. Anderson earned his bachelor’s degree from     involvement in various charitable initiatives and board
        Central Michigan University and graduated from          service. She holds board positions with Boys and Girls
        Michigan State University’s Executive MBA program       Club of Lansing and the Lansing Regional Chamber of
        in 2018.                                                Commerce. Howell has extended her generosity
                                                                to Sleep in Heavenly Peace, an organization dedicated to
        Margaret Dimond, University of                          helping children in need sleep better, and Habitat
        Michigan Health                                         for Humanity.

        Margaret Dimond, PhD, is an                             Katie John, Michigan State University
        innovative and experienced
        healthcare leader. Dimond joined                        Katie John serves as Michigan State University’s Interim
        Sparrow in May of 2023 as President                     Vice President for Government Relations.  In her role,
        of Lansing-based Sparrow Hospital                       John represents MSU with stakeholders from federal,
        and was promoted to President of                        state, and local government. John brings over 20 years of
        U-M Health Regional Network on       Dimond             legislative experience, with a focus on higher education
        September 1, 2023.                                      funding and policy.

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