Page 15 - 2024 March FOCUS Magazine
P. 15

Christina Morillo/Pexels

        “My goal is to cultivate a culture where all employees and   Haslett in 2016 when the realities of her professional
        team members feel valued, respected, and empowered      life and personal life met at a crossroads. As a newly
        to contribute their unique perspectives,” she said.     single mom, she needed to shuttle her child between
                                                                school and sports while continuing her work as both an
        Noll-Williams said she encourages diversity, equity, and   esthetician and a counselor.
        inclusion in the workplace to foster innovation, creativity,
        and overall organizational success.                    “I’ve always followed my own path in
                                                                a way,” Mahabir-Kohlsmith said. “It’s
        Each year, the Capital Region International Airport     been an intentional entrepreneurship
        welcomes nearly half a million visitors and drives $1 billion   that’s family-oriented.”
        in economic impact for the mid-Michigan region.
                                                                Her private practice offers in-house
        Noll-Williams said she reached the top spot by starting   natural skincare and telehealth and
        in entry-level positions, then seizing every opportunity   in-person counseling sessions. Her
        to learn more about airline operations, sales, marketing,   tagline is “confidence, inside and out.”
        and management.                                                                             Mahabir-Kohlsmith
                                                                Mahabir-Kohlsmith’s interest in
        “It’s important to embrace challenges as a natural part of   skincare began in her teens, and she became a licensed
        the journey and use it as an opportunity to learn, adapt,   esthetician by age 20. One-on-one work with clients
        and grow,” she said.                                    sparked an interest in counseling, so she continued her
                                                                education to become a licensed professional counselor.
        Despite the demanding nature of her job, Noll-Williams   Mahabir-Kohlsmith said she grew her business slowly
        said her family helps her maintain an enriching work-life   through networking and with the advice of mentors.
                                                               “You have a right to dream and achieve your goals,” she
        “Spending time with them rejuvenates me and gives me    tells others considering entrepreneurship. “And network.
        the necessary support to excel in my professional goals,”   You just never know. There are too many people out
        she said.                                               there who have gifts, and it’s reciprocal; you can lift each
                                                                other up.”
        Noll-Williams said it’s essential that women define
        success on their own terms and pursue goals that align   She’s found kinship in the Lansing Chamber, the Meridian
        with their values and passions.                         Area Business Association, and the National Association
                                                                of Career Women. She’s grateful for the other professional
        “My advice to both women and men aspiring to achieve    women who’ve motivated her along the way.
        success is to recognize that success is a deeply personal
        journey and may vary greatly from person to person,”   “You have this support from them and it’s amazing,” she
        she said.                                               said. “It touches your life.”

        HEALTHY AMBITION                                        SUPPORT FUTURE LEADERS

        Gita Mahabir-Kohlsmith opened Mahabir Wellness in       Margaret Dimond, regional president of University of

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