Page 18 - 2024 March FOCUS Magazine
P. 18

ADVOCACY                                                                   FOCUS MAGAZINE | MARCH 2024

        First Friday Public Affairs

        Call Update Delivers
        Key Policy and Political

        Insights for Greater Lansing


              he Lansing Regional Chamber’s public affairs
              department is hosting a monthly First Friday
        TPublic Affairs Call Update for an insightful             •  ZOOM Video Conference: Join us on the ZOOM
        briefing on policy and political developments               platform for an interactive experience that brings the
        impacting the business community here in the Greater        community together virtually.
        Lansing region. From national down to regional
        updates, these monthly calls are designed to keep our     •  Complimentary for LRCC Members: As a benefit of
        members informed and engaged.                               LRCC membership, these calls come at no additional
                                                                    charge. It’s our way of ensuring you have the
        Key event highlights include:                               information you need to navigate today’s dynamic
                                                                    business environment.
          •  Monthly 30-Minute Calls: These concise and
            informative sessions are designed to fit seamlessly into   These updates are made possible by ITC Holdings Corp.
            your schedule, ensuring you stay informed without   To register for the First Friday Public Affair Call Update,
            taking up too much of your time.                    please visit l

            Lansing Chamber Advocates for Sustainable Growth

            with Rebuild Lansing Plan

                ansing is on a                                                     in-lifetime opportunity
                precipice: across                                                  to strategically invest in
           Lthe city, efforts and                                                  strengthening Lansing for
            investment that will                                                   the long-term. Every piece of
            strengthen our community                                               the puzzle must fit together
            for the long-term are well                                             for Lansing to seize its potential.
            underway as we work                                                    Enacting only one or two new
            toward a Lansing that can                                              initiatives will not transform
            thrive for the sustainable                                             our city.
                                                                                   This is an incredible opportunity
            We can have a Lansing                                                  for the capital city to position
            that offers more affordable                                            itself for future success.
            housing, thriving
            community spaces, more                                                 We have had 60+ chamber
            resources for our students                                             members sending
            and neighbors, improved                                                communications to Lansing
            public safety, and a thriving downtown.             City Council encouraging them to act and support
                                                                the Rebuild Lansing plan that has a city-wide impact,
            If we do this right, we can have ALL of that. But   with a focus on strengthening downtown Lansing.
            getting there is going to take action and that is why
            the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce put        To learn more and make your voice be heard, please
            together an advocacy campaign to convey             visit  l
            to Lansing city officials that they have a once-

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