Page 22 - 2024 March FOCUS Magazine
P. 22


                                                                                     CORPORATE, ASSOCIATION & COMMUNITY EVENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY
                                                                                            SAME NAME.
                                                                                          SAME SERVICES.
                                                                                        NEW LOCATION.

                                                                                       114 West Allegan Street Lansing, Michigan 48933
                                                                                              (Downtown Lansing)
        Leadership Lansing Participants

        Gain Certified Tourism Ambassador



             he 2023-24 Leadership Lansing   Leadership Lansing also enjoyed
             cohort spent some time in       a presentation from Peckham’s
        TFebruary learning more about        Director of Vocational Services
        what makes Greater Lansing such an   Emily McElmurry and Jessica Diener,
        outstanding region. The group spent   Peckham’s Director of Employee
        the morning hours going through      Experience and Engagement – both
        the Certified Tourism Ambassador     Leadership Lansing alums! Peckham
        (CTA) Program presented by Choose    is a nonprofit vocation rehabilitation
        Lansing. The fun and engaging        organization that provides job
        program was expertly led by certified   training opportunities for persons
        CTA facilitators Melissa Nay of Choose   with significant disabilities and
        Lansing and Jeff Magnuson from the   other barriers to employment.
        James B. Henry Center for Executive
        Development at Michigan State        McElmurry talked about how since
        University. The big takeaway — there   1976 Peckham has grown to be one
        is a lot to do in Greater Lansing!   of the largest vocational community
                                             rehabilitation programs in the state
        Diversity, equity and Inclusion (DEI)   of Michigan. Peckham offers more
        was the focus of the remainder of    than 30 different rehabilitation and
        the day. Lunch with a Leader speaker   human services programs from art
        was Tina Alonzo, CM, CHRS, CDP,      to career planning, pre-employment
        Vice President of Belonging at       screening to facility-based training,
        Peckham, Inc.  Alonzo, who is a      youth programs to organizational
        Certified Diversity Professional,    employment and residential services.
        told the group “every job begins
        and ends with a person.” She         The Leadership Lansing group was
        talked about cultural competency     also treated to a tour of Peckham’s
        which she said is your ability to    impressive facility near Capital
        communicate with different people.   Region International Airport. Many
        She also provided insights behind    thanks to our friends at Peckham
        Peckham’s DEI strategy. She said     for hosting our Leadership Lansing
        DEI is a collective effort that involves   group for the entire day. It will
        everyone in the organization.        be remembered as one of the
                                             highlights for this year’s cohort. l
        “It’s a journey. There will be challenges
        along the way,” said Alonzo.

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