Page 26 - 2024 March FOCUS Magazine
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under new ownership. New owners half of 2023. Among the findings:
Silas and Lindsey Coffelt re- Despite a rise in vacancy rates in the
opened the store in January. The industrial sector to 10.2 percent in
Coffelts also own the Graze Craze Greater Lansing, up from 5.4 percent
store in Okemos, Michigan. Graze in H1 2023, the market remains strong,
Craze specializes in hand-crafted with limited quality options for users.
charcuterie boards and boxes SHARE YOUR Two major developments, including
featuring customizable food displays, COMPANY NEWS Amazon’s 1.1 million-square-foot
including fresh fruit, vegetables, distribution center and Ultium Cells’
cheese, and gourmet sweets. LRCC members can send a press 2.8 million-square-foot battery plant,
release and photo about new hires, are set for completion this year. In
promotions, company recognitions or
Peckham Inc. is one of 13 awards to the office sector, vacancy rates have
organizations to receive a $150,000 and we will share it in our popular surged by 42 percent in the suburbs
grant from the Michigan Veterans Members on the Move section. and 92 percent in the Central Business
Affairs Agency. The grant was District compared to pre-pandemic
made available for Michigan- levels. And in the retail sector, average
based nonprofits to assist service Jack Miceli, CRPC financial advisor market vacancies declined from 16.1
members, veterans, and their at Edward Jones, has moved to percent in H1 2023 to 14.4 percent by
families who are or are at risk a new location at The Woodlands, year-end. Major malls in the area have
of experiencing homelessness. 2390 Woodlake Drive, Suite 340, in shed vacancies, with Best Furniture
The grant funding will support Okemos. Outlet leasing the 103,000-square-
initiatives that offer immediate relief, foot former Macy’s and Zap Zone
sustainable housing solutions, and East Lansing commercial real estate now occupying the 125,000-square-
comprehensive support services for firm Martin Commercial Properties foot Younker’s space. Meanwhile,
veterans in need. Peckham serves has issued its biannual Market Insights construction will soon be underway
nearly 200 veterans across its five Report on the region’s industrial, on the $65 million Haslett Village
business lines. office, and retail sectors for the second mixed-use development project. l
From financial security
to a helping hand, the Culinary Delights
MATTERS. Join us at the State Room Restaurant located
inside Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center.
Find a local agent who can We look forward to serving you delicious and
protect what matters to you. unique cuisine in an inviting atmosphere!
Learn more and make a reservation: or call 517-432-5049 Dinner service is offered Tuesday-Saturday, 4-10 p.m.
26 27