Page 25 - 2024 March FOCUS Magazine
P. 25                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

                                             McLaren Health Care has been          COMPANY NEWS
                                             included on the 2023 list of “100
                                             hospitals and health systems with
                                             great oncology programs” compiled
                                             by Becker’s Hospital Review. The
                                             health system has Michigan’s
                                             largest network of oncology centers,
                                             the Karmanos Cancer Network,
                                             anchored by the Barbara Ann
                                             Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit.

                                             Turf Jockeys LLC of Eaton Rapids was
                                             recently honored by the Michigan
                                             Nursery and Landscape Association     Richards & Addy Wealth
        DAISY Foundation’s program to        in two award categories: Consumer     Management and Cady Financial
        recognize the exceptional care       Show Landscapes of over 400           merged their practices to
        nurses provide every day. A patient   square feet for the project “Black Tie   form Richards & Cady Wealth
        submitted the nomination, writing:   Affair,” and in Residential Landscape   Advisors, combining over 70 years
        “Emily took care of me while I was on   Design & Installation over $100,000,   of financial planning experience.
        the eighth floor with a bad Crohn’s   for “Grand Views of Foxcroft.” The   The merger brings together a larger
        flare-up. She did an amazing job:    MNLA’s Industry Awards Program        team of experienced professionals,
        caring, attentive, kind, on time, fast,   recognizes firms in the green industry   more robust and comprehensive
        and courteous. You can tell she cares.   that have demonstrated excellence,   resources, and established continuity
        She is clearly not just a great nurse   professionalism, and responsible   for their clients.
        but an amazing woman and human       environmental standards. Winners
        being. She is what every nurse       were honored during the 2024 Great    Graze Craze Charcuterie Boards
        should strive to be like.”           Lakes Trade Expo in late January.     & Boxes in Shelby Township is


                                                                     FOR WHAT’S NEXT

                                                                     If your business is growing out of your
                                                                     current home retail space, it may be time
                                                                     for a brick-and-mortar upgrade. Partner
                                                                     with the experts to find the space that’s
                                                                     right for you and your big ideas.

                                                                     We’re NAI Mid-Michigan. Your best
                                                                     choice for commercial real estate.


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