Page 19 - LRCC FOCUS October 2021
P. 19

Sinha says Covid-19 hit team                                                     working remotely,” said
        members with compromised                                                         Rosingana. “With a lot of
        immune systems especially                                                        organizations culturally
        hard. Six-hundred Peckham                                                        looking at new ways to do
        team members were forced                                                         business, it has really been
        to take a voluntary layoff.                                                      an opportunity for us to
        They were fortunately able to                                                    look at more ways that we
        draw unemployment during                                                         can be more inclusive in
        Covid-19. At the same time,                                                      the practices we have for all
        persons with disabilities                                                        individuals.”
        without compromised
        immune systems found new                                                         ENDING THE STIGMA.
        opportunities.                   Caine                  Mularz                   EMBRACING
        “When things started to open
        up, there was a help wanted                                                      Justin Caine suffered a brain
        sign in every employer’s                                                         hemorrhage resulting from
        door,” said Sinha. “That                                                         a cancerous tumor when
        created new opportunities,                                                       he was in the fourth grade.
        such as higher wages for                                                         Emergency surgery saved
        persons with disabilities, that                                                  his life. Justin was in the
        we hadn’t seen in quite some                                                     hospital for months and
        time.”                                                                           had to relearn how to walk,
                                                                                         talk and swallow. Justin
        The pandemic has made            Rosingana              Sinha                    has overcome the odds
        it clear that remote and                                                         associated with his disability,
        hybrid work will be a                                                            eventually receiving a
        part of our future for the                                                       college degree as he is now
        long term. Many experts         There are 500,000 individuals                    a successful businessperson,
        view this development as        with disabilities in Michigan.                   who employs others with
        something that will open                                                         disabilities. Justin says the
        more opportunities for          There are 800,000 small                          biggest barrier that persons
        persons with disabilities. The   businesses in Michigan. If                      with disabilities face in
        combination of remote work                                                       terms of employment is
        options and chronic staffing     half those small businesses                     overcoming the stigma of
        shortages have led more                                                          having a disability.
        employers to be willing to      were willing to bring on one
        make the accommodation           or two qualified individuals                   “There is a belief that because
        needed to hire persons with                                                      a person walks or talks
        disabilities, which fosters     with disabilities into their                     differently, or doesn’t walk or
        innovation and retention.        organization, disability                        talk, that it means they are

        “It’s opened up the             unemployment would be at                         incapable of doing work at a
                                                                                         level that someone without a
        conversation,” said Rachel                                                       disability can do,” said Caine.
        Mularz, director of career      the same level as the general                   “That’s just not true.”
        development and placement        population.
        services, Selective Case                                                         Sinha says people with
        Management, a firm that                                                          mental health challenges
        provides employment                                                              face some of the largest
        services to individuals with disabilities. “Those that   stigmas in terms of employment. However, she says
        have/had barriers and are not able to work a traditional   Covid may have offered a silver lining in that it has
        schedule have an opportunity now.”                      created a greater awareness of and sensitivity to those
        According to Carrie Rosingana, CEO, Capital Area Michigan
        Works!, the ability to work remotely and some of the   “The impact and isolation of Covid, as well as the
        accommodations that employers have made due to Covid    uncertainty caused a lot of employers to understand
        has shown that the workplace can accommodate all        that the emotional health of their workforce is just as
        individuals including persons with disabilities.        important as their physical health,” said Sinha. “That
                                                                will help reduce some of the barriers for persons with
        “Sometimes there are accommodations that can suit       mental illness.”

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