Page 28 - LRCC FOCUS October 2021
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                     FOCUS MAGAZINE  |  OCTOBER 2021

        NEW HIRES                            substance abuse, domestic violence,   Super Lawyers; Charles E. Barbieri,
                                             sexual assault, mental health, co-    Richard C. Kraus, Scott L. Mandel,
                          Triterra is        parenting and financial difficulties.   Douglas A. Mielock, Patricia J.
                          pleased to         She also handles complex asset        Scott, Webb A. Smith, and Scott A.
                          welcome            and debt issues, such as business     Storey. 2021 Rising Star; Taylor A.
                          Greg Oslosky,      ownership, self-employment, and       Gast.
                          associate          complicated retirement accounts
                          geologist, to      and pensions.                         Rehmann, a fully integrated
                          their team of                                            financial services and advisory firm,
                          professionals.     AWARDS                                has been named to The Top 50
                          Oslosky’s role                                           Construction Accounting Firms™ by
                          will include                                             Construction Executive for the third
                          managing                                                 year in a row. Companies selected
        projects, helping grow Triterra                                            for this honor are chosen based on
        in West Michigan, and providing                                            the strength of their construction
        technical assistance. Greg acquired                                        practice and ability to guide
        a bachelor’s degree in geology, from                                       construction clientele amid ongoing
        the University of South Florida in                                         economic uncertainty.
                                                                                   Dickinson Wright PLLC is pleased
                          LAFCU has                                                to announce that three of the
                          named Nathan                                             firm’s attorneys in Lansing have
                          Brown a digital                                          been named 2021 Michigan Super
                          and graphic                                              Lawyers and one attorney has been
                          designer.                                                named a 2021 Michigan Super
                          In his new                                               Lawyers “Rising Star”. Dickinson
                          position, Brown                                          Wright attorneys recognized on this
                          is a member                                              year’s Michigan Super Lawyers list
                          of LAFCU’s                                               include Peter H. Ellsworth, Kester
                          creative team      For the 22nd consecutive year, the    K. So, and Jeffery V. Stuckey.
                          that produces      National Association of Realtors      Dickinson Wright attorneys
        marketing and member                 is honoring 10 finalists for its 2021   recognized on this year’s Michigan
        communications for the Michigan      Good Neighbor Awards Program.         Super Lawyers Rising Stars list
        credit union. Brown has eight        The award honors Realtors  who        include: Nolan J. Moody.
        years of design experience, having   have made significant, tangible
        worked in digital and graphic        volunteer contributions in their
        designer positions, as well as a     communities to improve the lives of
        video producer, and director of      their neighbors in need. Winners, as
        photography in higher education      determined by judges, and the Web
        and several marketing agencies.      Choice Favorites will be announced
                                             on Oct. 6. The five winners will
                          Foster Swift       receive a $10,000 grant and national
                          Collins & Smith    media exposure for their charity,
                          welcomes           including a feature in the fall issue
                          attorney           of REALTOR  Magazine. The winners     Sparrow Eaton Hospital has
                          Jacquelyn A.       will be honored during the 2021       named Jeanne Mead, RN, as its
                          Dupler to the      REALTORS  Conference & Expo in        first Nurse of the Year.  Mead, an RN
                          firm’s Lansing     San Diego, Calif. Five honorable      care facilitator for Sparrow Eaton’s
                          office as a        mentions will receive $2,500 grants.  Clinical Integration team, has been
                          member of the                                            a  nurse for more than 25 years,
                          firm’s Family      DISTINCTIONS                          having started the Chronic Care
                          Law Practice                                             Management and  Transitional Care
        Group. Jackie practices in domestic   Seven attorneys from the Lansing     Management programs for all Eaton
        relations, including custody, divorce,   office of Foster Swift Collins &   physician practices.
        and support. Jackie handles a wide   Smith, PC have been selected to the
        range of family law matters, from    2021 Michigan Super Lawyers list,     Though Capitol National Bank
        straightforward divorce cases to     while one other has been selected     focuses on serving local businesses,
        difficult family situations involving   as a “Rising Star”. The 2021 Michigan   Lansing’s only community bank is in

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