Page 29 - LRCC FOCUS October 2021
the national spotlight after receiving America 2022 Construction the only facility in Mid-Michigan
recognition from the Independent Litigation “Lawyer of the Year” in to receive such a designation for
Community Bankers of America Lansing. This is a high distinction, adult and pediatric patients. Being
(ICBA). Capitol National was named as only one attorney in each a Level 1 Trauma Center means
one of ICBA’s top ten commercial practice area in each community is Sparrow is equipped to handle the
lenders in the “less than $500 million” identified as “Lawyer of the Year.” worst of the worst trauma cases,
category. This is an objective award such as victims of car accidents,
based on FDIC data that measures Doug Lloyd, plane crashes, and the like. Trauma
the strength of competitive banking Eaton County centers such as Sparrow’s are very
services and operational efficiencies. Prosecutor specialized, unique healthcare
Loan growth and credit quality in since 2013, was facilities, and are here 24/7/365
2020 are the primary factors in unanimously when the community needs them
ICBA’s evaluation. Capitol National elected by his at a moment’s notice.
was the only Michigan bank honored peers to be
in this category. president of the Eighteen attorneys from Foster
Prosecuting Swift’s Lansing office were selected
Fraser Lloyd Attorneys by their peers for inclusion in
Trebilcock Association The Best Lawyers in America
is pleased to of Michigan (PAAM). PAAM is 2022. In addition, three attorneys
announce that comprised of a 14-member Board of from Lansing were also named
attorney Paula J. Directors and the Attorney General Best Lawyers 2022 “Lawyer of
Manderfield has who represent Michigan 83 county the Year.” Another was listed as
been selected as prosecuting attorney offices. He a “One to Watch.” Best Lawyers;
one of this year’s will serve a one-year term through Charles E. Babrbieri, Scott A.
Top 30 “Women August 2022. Cernich, Anna K. Gibson, Brian
in the Law” G. Goodenough, Matt G. Hrebec,
by Michigan Dickinson Wright PLLC is pleased Charles A. Janssen, James B.
Lawyers Weekly. The award is to announce that seven of the firm’s Jenson Jr., Richard C. Kraus,
given annually to women who are attorneys in Lansing have been David M. Lick, Scott L. Mandel,
inspiring and accomplished lawyers, included in Best Lawyers in America Thomas R. Meagher, Douglas A.
who also serve as mentors to others 2022 edition: Peter H. Ellsworth, Mielock, David R. Russell, Michael
and contribute considerable time Scott R. Knapp, Peter J. Kulick, D. Sanders, Jean G. Schtokal,
giving back to their communities. James F. Mauro, Ryan M. Shannon, Scott A. Storey, Deanna Swisher
Kester K. So, and Jeffery V. Stuckey. and Brent A. Titus. Best Lawyers
Fraser Trebilcock attorney 2022 “Lawyer of the Year” attorneys;
Thaddeus E. Morgan has been Sparrow Hospital has again been James B. Jensen, Jr. was named
named the Best Lawyers in verified as a Level 1 Trauma Center, the Best Lawyers 2022 Corporate
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