Page 29 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
P. 29                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

        NEW HIRES                                              and employment      Additionally, she studied abroad at
                                                               law matters         Oxford University.
                                                               before state and
                                                               federal courts.
                                                               Mike has argued
                                                               cases before the
                                                               Michigan Court
                                                               of Appeals and
                                                               the Michigan
                                                               Supreme Court
                                                               on various public
                                             sector labor law issues.
        Greenburg         Magil
                                                               Union Bank          Fuller           Keefer
                                                               has announced       Ngage Management is pleased to
                                                               the addition        welcome Laura Fuller, CMP and
                                                               of Sarah            Lisa Keefer as new team members.
                                                               Klingenberg,        They both serve as association
                                                               vice president,     directors. Fuller brings more than
                                                               risk officer. In    25 years of association experience
                                                               her new role,       to her position. Her extensive
                                                               Klingenberg will    background includes expertise
        Chan              Ingbretson                           be responsible      in board governance, accredited
        Cinnaire ushered in the new year                       for the             education, and membership
        by announcing five appointments      implementation and administration     recruitment and retention. Keefer’s
        to its lending and underwriting      of all aspects of the Bank Secrecy    background consists of expertise
        teams. These industry leaders will   Act Compliance Program,               in finance, and board, committee,
        support the organization’s growth    Enterprise Risk Management            and event management. She
        as a community development           Program and overall bank security.    brings two decades of professional
        lender and equity investor funding   Klingenberg joins the organization    experience to the team and the
        affordable housing developments.     with over 23 years of diverse         client organizations she serves.
        Sarah Greenberg joined Cinnaire as   experience in the banking industry
        senior vice president, underwriting   in West Michigan. She has a true                      Union Bank
        (Debt), in the organization’s Madison,   understanding of the banking                       has announced
        Wisconsin office. Sabrina Iga has    needs for the communities Union                        the addition of
        joined as senior vice president,     Bank serves.                                           Jon Novetske,
        finance, in the organization’s                                                              mortgage
        Wilmington, Delaware office. Elaine                    As a graduate of                     banker. In
        Magil recently joined Cinnaire’s                       Mason Public                         his new role,
        Wilmington team as senior vice                         Schools (MPS),                       Novetske will
        president of underwriting (Equity).                    Jessica Miller                       work with
        Larry Chan has joined Cinnaire's                       has recently        Novetske         current and
        Wilmington team as an equity                           returned to the                      prospective
        underwriter, supporting Cinnaire’s                     district in the     customers in the Greater Lansing
        Low Income Housing Tax Credit                          role of director    Area to gain a clear understanding
        investing cross its nine-state                         of community        of their lending needs in order to
        footprint. Erik Ingbretson has been   Miller           education. Since    find the right personalized solutions,
        appointed as portfolio manager,                        she joined MPS,     every time. To best serve the
        community development, in            Miller has hit the ground running     community, he will be working at the
        Cinnaire’s Chicago, Illinois office.  to build out additional community    Unions Banks’ Dimondale location.
                                             education offerings throughout the
        Loomis, Ewert, Parsley, Davis &      community. She has stepped into       Cooperstown, New York native and
        Gotting P.C. is pleased to announce   this role after the retirement of Mary   former Oakland Athletics bullpen
        that Michael R. Kluck has joined     Kay Gavitt. Upon graduating from      catcher Phil Pohl will become the
        the firm as an Of Counsel member     Mason High School in 2000, Miller     17th manager in Lansing Lugnuts
        with over 45 years’ experience       attended Adrian College, where she    team history, helming the Lugnuts’
        representing both public and private   received her bachelor’s degree in   2022 staff. The 31-year-old manager
        employers on a wide variety of labor   English and elementary education.   will be joined by returning pitching

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