Page 34 - LRCC March 2022 Focus
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Tracie Kent, CTA - Residence Inn and Shiawassee counties will building has four existing long-
by Marriott & TownePlace Suites continue building or growing their term tenants that include Securian
- East Lansing; Rebecca Selesky - businesses as part of the fifth Financial, Shinberg Insurance, the
Residential and Hospitality Services, program of One and All, an inclusive U.S. Social Security Administration
MSU and Derrell Slaughter - entrepreneurship initiative created and Verizon. All occupants share a
Ingham County Commissioner. in 2020 by the Lansing Economic large common area inside, as well as
Area Partnership and generously 83 freshly painted parking spaces.
Martin Commercial Properties funded by the Michigan Economic
facilitated the sale of a mid-century Development Corporation and
style office and warehouse building Consumers Energy Foundation.
at 1400 Keystone Ave., in Lansing The One and All initiative’s success
to an investment group led by a across its first four programs has
local investor. The property was culminated in the creation of 51 jobs
sold by The Polack Corporation— and an average annual participant
Michigan’s oldest office equipment household income increase of more
dealer founded in 1931 and recently than $3,000. Of the initiative’s 75
acquired by Applied Imaging of graduates thus far, 83% have legally
Grand Rapids. The buyer of the formed their business, and several
15,000-square-foot building plans have opened brick and mortar
to promote the space to industrial storefronts. Caregivers in one of Sparrow
users in a tight real estate market. Hospital’s COVID units were
MSU Federal surprised when nursing leaders
Credit Union handed out 40+ homemade,
(MSUFCU) personalized cards – complete
announced a with Starbucks gift cards – that
name, image, were created by supporters in
and likeness (NIL) Washington. The outpouring was
contract with the brainchild of Nicole Anzia of
Nala Barlow, Washington, who was touched by a
MSU track and CNN report in December featuring
field student- a visit to a Sparrow COVID unit
athlete. The and heartfelt interviews with their
Credit Union also partners with the caregivers. Anzia reached out to
McLaren Greater Lansing has 11 eligible MSU women’s basketball a network of friends about doing
recently acquired new minimally players and is excited to expand its something for the Sparrow team –
invasive equipment that will make NIL brand ambassador partnership they responded immediately with
spine surgeries more accurate and beyond women’s basketball to offers to send notes of thanks and
safer for people requiring surgery include Nala. The Credit Union sees encouragement.
on their back or neck. The new its partnership with the student-
navigation system not only makes athletes as an opportunity to expand Highfields is accepting applications
surgery more precise for the patients, its support of women athletes and to for Aldinger Scholarships until
but it also makes surgery safer for recognize the value they bring to the Friday, March 18. Scholarships
the staff and exposes them to less university and the community. are awarded for up to $1,500 to
radiation. Along with the BrainLab individuals who have received
navigation system, McLaren also Martin Commercial Properties services or have a family member
purchased an OHX microscope that demonstrated their depth of who has received services through
is used specifically for surgical spine services by facilitating multiple Highfields. Qualified individuals
cases. The microscope is equipped transactions related to a five-suite include, but are not limited
with a camera that projects what office building at 2163 University to, Reaching Higher students,
the surgeon is seeing onto high- Park Drive in Okemos. The leading Breakthrough course participants,
definition screens throughout the privately-own real estate services family counseling clients, residential
operating room. This allows the entire and development company clients, and Ingham Academy
surgical team to be in sync with headquartered in East Lansing students. Highfields will award
the surgeon for every second of the represented both the buyer and several scholarships depending on
surgery. seller of the facility. Martin also the availability of funds. To apply
reached an agreement to continue for a scholarship, please submit
Twenty-four entrepreneurs from as the leasing agent and property an application to Deanna Tiffany
across Clinton, Eaton, Ingham manager. The 17,848-square-foot at The