Page 18 - LRCC May 2023 FOCUS
P. 18
Future of
Work: The
Trends for
2023 and
The Covid pandemic • Remote work and virtual meetings are here to
stay, but perhaps at lower levels than during the
disrupted our lives in • E-Commerce including telemedicine and shift to
online transactions will continue to accelerate;
unprecedented ways. • The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of
digital technologies including automation, robotics
In the workplace, the pandemic sparked a structural and artificial intelligence.
shift in where work takes place, accelerating a pre-Covid
trend towards remote work for many employees. As “There is a lot of data over the past
we have emerged from the dark days of the pandemic, several years that have shown
there has been a dramatic shift in the competitive talent that productivity often times goes
landscape, as millions of workers across the country left up when individuals are working
their jobs in pursuit of what they felt would be more remotely,” said Carrie Rosingana,
fulfilling opportunities. CEO, Capital Area Michigan Works!
“Not all industries can do the hybrid
Since organizations and their employees began a or remote option, but it remains a
return to more “normal operations” by the fall of very strong trend that we are seeing.”
2021, employers and employees have been grappling Rosingana
with what the future of work will look like. A report “The world of work has forever
from McKinsey & Company cites three broad trends changed, and I don’t think any of us know where that
it says will continue to reshape the workplace in 2023 final result is going to end up,” said Amy Casciotti, vice
and beyond: president human resources at East Lansing-based