Page 20 - LRCC May 2023 FOCUS
P. 20

The use of robotics is becoming a

      fixture in many industries, including
      Eaton Rapids-based manufacturer

      Dowding Industries.

        “We’ve been looking at how we can reduce mandatory        the desires of more employees for remote and
        overtime, shorten shifts and provide more opportunities   hybrid opportunities, many have come to accept the
        for job sharing,” said McKeague. “It’s all hands-on-deck   importance of flexibility in how the workplace will
        effort to see what we can do to provide a more stable     operate in the future. Though half the workforce has
        supportive work force for those doing that sort of work.”  little or no opportunity for remote work, most experts
                                                                  say that hybrid work-set-ups are likely to continue.
        At Eaton Rapids-based metal
        fabricator Dowding Industries, the                        Lansing-based Neogen Corporation is a world leader
        commitment to talent development                          in food and animal safety as well as life sciences and
        the past 7 to 8 years has been                            toxicology. The company has worked to refine its talent
        on building a stronger culture.                           attraction strategies to include finding new sourcing
        Company President Jeff Metts says                         channels. Neogen also benefits from having a good
        the organization has been more                            story to tell potential recruits.
        diligent in screening job candidates
        and using assessments to help                            “I tell our recruiting team there is
        determine if the individual will be a   Metts             incredible talent out there, but they
        good fit on the team. Dowding has                         can be hard to find and they don’t
        also significantly bolstered its commitment to training.  know about us. We need to be
                                                                  creative so talent learns about us and
        “We’re as interested in building people as we are in      seeks us out,” said Mann. “We have a
        building parts,” said Metts. “It is a two-way street. The   very good story that resonates with
        more we can get out of them, the more they can get        talent relative to how we protect the
        out of us. It is a partnership and it has really been     world’s food supply and the people
        working well.”                                            and animals we care about.”
        Metts says the industry turnover rate is between 42 to45   Ingham Intermediate School District Superintendent
        percent, however, at Dowding they have been able to       Jason Mellema says schools have become serious about
        drive the turnover rate down to about 12 percent.         a grow your own approach to developing talent. 48 ISD’s
                                                                  across the state are working on developing a Talent
        “Nobody leaves. We’ve made it a family atmosphere.        Together Initiative, which is an apprenticeship program
        Everybody’s ideas count,” said Metts.                     which would give people with a bachelor’s degree
                                                                  an opportunity to go through a federally registered
        As employers continue to wrestle with how to balance      program to become educators. 

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