Page 12 - LRCC October 2024 FOCUS
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Lansing’s Top Young Professionals
Recognized During Annual 10 Over
the Next Ten Awards Ceremony
he 18th annual 10 Over the Next Ten Awards were facilitated and marketed BWL’s second annual Cereal
hosted on Tuesday, Sept. 17, at the University for Summer Food Drive in 2023, which raised over 1300
TClub of MSU. This event recognizes Greater boxes of cereal for the Greater Lansing Food Bank.
Lansing’s top 10 young professionals who are expected
to significantly contribute to our community over the Darren Bardell is a producer at
next ten years. This year’s event was sponsored by Rathbun Insurance. He is a current
Independent Bank, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, board member of the Delta Waverly
Martin Commercial Properties, University club of MSU Rotary, Big “I” Michigan Committee,
and was co-hosted by the Lansing Regional Chamber For Good Foundation, and the
of Commerce and Lansing 5:01. Michigan Premier National African American Insurance
Events served as event management partner. Association (Detroit/Michigan Chapter).
He also mentors students through
The 2024 10 Over the Next Ten Award recipients include: Lansing School District’s insurance
program and holds a Certified Tourism
Ariel Backus is the director of sales Ambassador designation.
at Choose Lansing and has proudly
served the Lansing community for Elena Herrera is the owner of
almost a decade now. This year, she Ledger Ally. Her company was
completed her two-year term as the platinum winner of the 2023
President of the Grand Ledge Community Votes in bookkeeping
Rotary Club and continues to serve and earned a technical assistance
as Immediate Past President. contract with Motor City Match.
She is also a board member of Herrera balances entrepreneurship
Meeting Professional International with raising four children and
(MPI) and Grand Ledge Shopping is passionate about supporting
Tour and served as MSU Meetings and Events Club Herrera local communities, managing
mentor in 2022. communications for the Latino
Business Expo, and fostering Latino-owned businesses
Aurora Lemieux-McKissic is in Michigan. Herrera is the currently the co-chair of
currently a student at LCC and the Latino Business Conexión of Michigan, secretary &
Northwood University pursuing fundraiser coordinator for Ballet Maria Luz.
a bachelor’s degree in business
management. She also works at the Gloria Duda is a commercial
Michigan Public Health Institute and loan officer at Michigan State
serves as the Lansing Area Economic Federal Credit Union. Duda is
Partnership’s business attraction a first-generation college grad
intern. Lemieux-McKissic has a who balances working full-time
passion for making connections and while getting her degree, all while
learning new things. She has served becoming a new mom. For almost
on the Lansing School District’s Equity Advisory Board nine years at MSUFCU, Duda
for the 2022-2023 school year and was a member of the has worked towards her goal of
REO Town Commercial Association in 2023. She also becoming a commercial lender and