Page 9 - LRCC October 2024 FOCUS
P. 9                                                                         MEMBER NEWS

        Origami Rehabilitation

        Expands with Third Location
        to Enhance Access to

        Specialized Care

        IN EARLY 2025

               rigami Rehabilitation is a CARF accredited 501(c)
               (3) nonprofit organization that has been serving
        Othe community since 1997. As a result of a unique
        alliance between Peckham, Inc. and Michigan State
        University College of Osteopathic Medicine, Origami's
        team of experts is passionate about helping individuals
        and families reach their rehabilitation goals.

        Origami provides
        for children
        and adults with
        developmental, mental health, and orthopedic conditions
        through their residential and outpatient programs.

        Origami currently has two locations in Mason and West
        Lansing. It will expand with a third location, Origami   In collaboration with other nonprofit organizations, this
        Greenlawn, in early 2025 on McLaren Hospital’s legacy   location will benefit from resource and cost-sharing,
        campus at the Child and Family Charities Nonprofit Hub,   diversified referral sources, and enhanced community
        a 4-story professional building at 405 Greenlawn, Lansing,   outreach.
        MI 48910.
                                                               “We are excited to open our third location and expand
        Origami Rehabilitation has established a strong reputation   our reach to more individuals needing specialized
        for providing exceptional care, and this new location will   rehabilitative care,” said Tammy Hannah, President and
        further its nonprofit mission of creating opportunities and   CEO of Origami Rehabilitation. “This clinic will address
        transforming lives. The clinic will offer a comprehensive   significant access issues for Medicaid-eligible individuals,
        range of outpatient services, including occupational,   particularly children, who often face challenges in
        physical, speech, and mental health therapy.            accessing care for their unique needs.”

        In addition, Origami provides various specialized services   Origami’s vision is to maximize access to innovative
        such as pelvic health, pediatric feeding therapy, driver   services with exceptional results. The opening of Origami
        rehabilitation, vision therapy, and more. Having these   Greenlawn allows Origami to continue serving more
        highly in-demand specialized services available locally is a   individuals in need.
        significant resource for families.
                                                                At Origami, individuals and families can expect 1-on-1
        The strategic location on Greenlawn Avenue, conveniently   appointments with a licensed therapist every visit, a
        situated on a CATA route, will further enhance accessibility   holistic and healing environment with a warm and
        by breaking down transportation barriers. This endeavor   inviting atmosphere, and comprehensive care provided
        is critical in fulfilling Origami’s commitment to serve   by a team of experts all under one roof.
        underserved populations and meet the community’s
        healthcare needs. By leveraging its established reputation   Anyone may submit a referral to Origami. To learn
        and high service demand, Origami’s location in south    more about the programs and services available at
        Lansing will further fulfill a vital healthcare need and   Origami or to submit a referral, call 517-455-0264 or visit
        improve outcomes for many families.            l

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