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Lansing 5:01 hosts its annual DAM JAM MUSIC FESTIVAL at Lansing's Brenke Fish Ladder that celebrates Michigan artists
        as they perform in Lansing's most unique pop-up music venue, in-the-round of the historic architectural wonder.

        “We are looking to retain and attract     East Lansing this summer through events
        emerging professionals to consider living   designed to illustrate our community’s    Like the state
        and working in Lansing long-term,” said   value proposition as a talent destination,”   of Michigan, Lansing
        Sell. “We look to our backyard in terms of   Sell said.                               and the tri-county
        homegrown talent.”                                                                    region have seen
                                                  Originally from Williamston, Michigan, Sell   relatively flat
        Sell launched the nonprofit Lansing 5:01   said he’s found Lansing to be a wonderful   population growth.
        nearly nine years ago to entice young     place to raise his young family. The        Census data shows
        professionals to Greater Lansing by       Greater Lansing region has much to offer    that from 2021
        showcasing the region’s varied quality    young professionals: cultural diversity,    to 2022:
        of life opportunities. The Lansing 5:01   modern downtown housing, interesting
        name suggests that Lansing has dynamic    restaurants, a live music scene, Big 10       • Lansing had
        offerings after the workday has ended.    sports, reasonable traffic, and 20 miles of    112,963 residents,
                                                  Lansing River Trail to walk, bike, and kayak.  up 1%
        As Lansing 5:01’s executive director, Sell                                              • Clinton County had
        works with several part-time staff and a   “We know that for the last almost two         79,748 people, up
        volunteer team of young professionals     decades, young people have been flocking       0.41%
        to offer networking events ranging        to major markets where they can live, work
        from breakfast series to summer           and play downtown and get access to all       • Eaton County had
        music festivals. Since the nonprofit’s    these different types of amenities,” he said.   108,992 people,
        inception, Sell estimates Lansing 5:01 has   “I think no matter who you are and what     up 0.04%
        attracted more than 30,000 emerging       you’re interested in, there’s going to be     • Ingham County had
        professionals to the Lansing region with   something here for you.”                      284,108 people, up
        some 70 different events.
                                                 ‘Lansing: Be our neighbor’                      0.03%
        “We are anticipating that we’ll welcome                                               Source: Michigan Economic
        another 200-plus interns and over 7,500   Lansing 5:01’s community outreach           Development Corporation
        emerging professionals to Lansing and     has primarily been via events. Now, the

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