P. 21                                                                            ATHENA WIN

        Career Catalyst: The Transformative Power                                         Thank You

        of ATHENA Women’s Interest Network                                                to Our New

        By Cathy Zell, Executive Director, Lansing Community College Foundation           & Renewing
                  hen President Barack Obama took office        Each meeting focused
                  in 2008, one-third of his leadership team     on an ATHENA
        Wwere women, while many of the men were                 Principle. The ATHENA     ATHENA Women’s Interest
        known for their dominant personalities. Consequently,   Principles include        Network is excited to
        “the West Wing was a well-documented bastion of         Live Authentically,       welcome new members
        testosterone,” reports Juliet Eilperin in The Washington   Learn Constantly,      and would like to thank
        Post. Women staffers recalled having to “elbow their    Build Relationships,      our renewing members
        way into important meetings” and often saw their ideas   Foster Collaboration,    for their continued
        ignored until repeated by a male counterpart, who       Act Courageously,         support!
        then received the credit.                               Advocate Fiercely,
                                                                Give Back and             Corporate:
        Frustrated, the women adopted a strategy called         Celebrate. Each           • Maner Costerisan
        echoing, repeating each other’s points and giving       meeting provided a
        credit to the original speaker. This forced men to      space for me to share     Individual:
        acknowledge their contributions, and President Obama    confidential matters      • Susan Hengesbach
        began listening to their ideas more often.              and brainstorm            • Taunya Sims
                                                                solutions with            • Gloria Mason
        Does this White House anecdote resonate with you?       executive women.
        Have you been frustrated when a man repeats your idea
        and gets traction? Maybe you’ve been outnumbered        I’ve met lifelong friends, gained champions to advocate
        and interrupted in meetings; I know I have.             for me, and built a network to strategize issues.
                                                                ATHENA WIN helped me transition through roles in
        ATHENA Women’s Interest Network (WIN) has               three organizations, secure board invitations, and
        significantly boosted my career through professional    arrange key meetings to advance my organization’s
        growth opportunities. I’ve learned to echo others’      mission.
        ideas and give them credit, making their ideas stand
        out. More importantly, ATHENA WIN provided a peer       I hope you will help others by echoing their ideas and
        group to share successes and struggles, mentor each     giving them credit, fostering a vibrant community
        other, and offer support through their Executive        where we all want to live, work, and play. l
        Connections Group.

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