P. 26

MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                          FOCUS MAGAZINE | JUNE 2024

        NEW HIRES                                                                  PROMOTIONS

                                                                                                    Starr has been
                                                                                                    promoted to
                                                                                                    project director
                                                                                                    at Lansing-based
                                             Ostrowski         Emerson
                                                                                                    WIELAND. Starr
                                                               union’s lending                      joined WIELAND
        Larsen            Webster                                                  Starr
                                                               department                           in 2005 as an
                          Martin                               to provide          intern, advanced to assistant project
                          Commercial                           personalized        manager, then to project manager,
                          Properties has                       service and         and senior project manager. He has
                          added three                          tailored financial   managed numerous key clients
                          new members                          solutions for its   for WIELAND.  As a WIELAND
                          to its team: Jami                    members.            project director, Starr will oversee
                          Larsen as senior                     Emerson’s           a team of employees handling
                          vice president     Jones             primary             construction projects in Michigan
                          of accounting                        responsibility      and nationwide. 
                          and operations,    as a mortgage loan officer is
                          Stephanie          actively growing LAFCU’s mortgage                      Choose
        Webster as a transaction             portfolio through strategic                            Lansing has
        coordinator, and Wyatt Rush as an    activities. As a commercial loan                       promoted Dani
        associate. Martin has offices in East   officer, Jones assists current and                  Schneider to
        Lansing and Grand Rapids.            potential LAFCU members with                           sales manager.
                                             their lending needs by providing a                     Formerly the
                          Choose Lansing     comprehensive range of products                        organization’s
                          has added Abby     and overseeing loan applications.                      sales and
                          Feltzer to its                                           Schneider        services
                          team as sales                        Custom Built                         coordinator,
                          and services                         Design &            Schneider has played a key role
                          coordinator.                         Remodeling          in booking short-term events,
                          Feltzer has prior                    is excited to       planning Choose Lansing meetings,
                          sales experience                     announce the        and providing other essential
                          in Lansing                           addition of         support to the sales and services
                          and holds a                          Cullen Menke        team. She joined Choose Lansing in
                          bachelor’s                           to its team         2022. In her new role, Schneider will
        degree from Western Michigan                           as a Project        focus on selling to social, military,
        University. Her responsibilities     Menke             Development         education, religious, and fraternal
        will include administrative sales                      Advisors. With a    groups, in addition to assisting with
        support, as well as event and        background in service – devoting      MSU market growth.
        meeting coordination.                3 years of non-profit work in
                                             Eastern Europe – Menke infuses his   APPOINTMENTS
        LAFCU has made three recent          professionalism with selflessness
        appointments: David Ostrowski        and compassion. His dedication to     Angela Chia-Chen Chen has
        to enterprise project manager of     understanding peoples’ needs, no      been appointed to the first
        the Michigan credit union, Zachary   matter where they’re from, inspires   endowed chair position in the
        Emerson as mortgage loan officer,    him to give back to the Lansing       College of Nursing at Michigan
        and Brook Jones as commercial        community through his new             State University, to be funded by
        loan officer. Ostrowski oversees the   position – guiding clients to love   a $1.5 million gift from McLaren
        overall direction, implementation,   their homes again.                    Greater Lansing.  Dr. Chen joined
        execution, control, and project                                            the college last summer and is
        management of enterprise-wide                                              one of the few nurse scientists
        projects. Meanwhile, Emerson                                               using technology to address risky
        and Jones joined the credit                                                behaviors and promote mental

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