P. 29                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

                                                                                   health services such as diagnostic
                                                                                   imaging, lab services, and family
                                                                                   medicine. Located along Saginaw
                                                                                   Highway just west of Nixon Road,
                                                                                   construction is set to begin in the
                                                                                   summer of 2024. The campus will
                                                                                   be ready to treat its first patient in
                                                                                   Fall 2025.

        Weaver            Beeler                                                   The Eaton County Transportation
        “CFP ” certification marks. The      Public relations firm Martin Waymire   Authority has launched its second
        CFP® marks identify those who        was presented with the Silver Anvil for   Connector service in Eaton County,
        have met the rigorous experience     public relations excellence by the Public   just months after the Charlotte
                                             Relations Society of America.
        and ethical requirements of the                                            Connector, Route 80, returned
        CFP Board, including having          Coalition to expand the state’s       to service. The Grand Ledge
        successfully completed financial     earned income tax credit to a 30      Connector, Route 81, travels from
        planning coursework at an            percent match of the federal credit,   the Grand Ledge Meijer to the
        accredited college or university and   alongside clients Michigan Future,   Delta Township Walmart as of
        passed a six-hour comprehensive      Inc., the Michigan League for Public   May 1st, and operates 6:50 a.m. to
        certification exam.                  Policy, and the Michigan Consensus    6:50 p.m. Monday through Friday.
                                             Policy Project. This is Martin        Saturday service starts with an
                          Fraser             Waymire’s third Silver Anvil in the   8:30 a.m. departure from the
                          Trebilcock         past six years.                       Delta Township Walmart; the last
                          shareholder                                              departure from the Grand Ledge
                          Robert D.          Peckham, Inc. has been certified      Meijer is at 4:50 p.m. Buses serve
                          Burgee has         as a gold-level Veteran-Friendly      stops on a one-hour frequency,
                          been recognized    Employer for the third consecutive    including the Grand Ledge Meijer,
                          by Michigan        year by the Michigan Veterans         Grand Ledge High School, Relevant
                          Lawyers Weekly     Affairs Agency. MVAA recognizes       Academy, Grand Ledge City
                          as a “Michigan     organizations based on their          Hall, Serenity Place Apartments,
        Burgee            Go-To Lawyer”      commitment to recruiting, hiring,     FunTyme Adventure Parks,
                          in 2024 for        training, and retaining veteran       Townsend on the Park Apartments,
        business transactions. Michigan      talent. Peckham serves nearly         and Delta Township Walmart.
        Lawyers Weekly’s program honors      200 veterans across its five lines    The Connector travels along
        leading lawyers in a particular      of business and has strategic         Saginaw Highway between Delta
        field of law as nominated by their   partnerships with government          Township and the City of Grand
        peers. Burgee serves as co-chair of   agencies and community service       Ledge. Commuters can connect
        Fraser Trebilcock’s business and tax   providers. To receive the gold-     to CATA’s Route 3 on Marketplace
        department and chair of the firm’s   level distinction, organizations      Boulevard for continued eastbound
        employee benefits department. He     must have a 75 percent retention      travel in Delta Township or to
        has over a decade of experience      rate of employed veterans over a      downtown Lansing.
        assisting business clients and       12-month period, as well as several
        entrepreneurs with startups,         veteran-specific programs or hiring
        acquisitions, succession, and        initiatives.
        growth planning, as well as more
        general legal guidance such as       COMPANY NEWS
        navigating civil matters, regulatory
        compliance, employee benefits,       McLaren Greater Lansing, part
        and human relations.                 of statewide McLaren Health
                                             Care, has announced plans to
        Lansing, Mich.-based public          expand with the construction
        relations and digital marketing firm   of an ambulatory care campus
        Martin Waymire won the Silver        in Grand Ledge. The nearly $40        Johnson Sign Co., a full-service
        Anvil for public relations excellence   million project will be anchored by   sign company specializing in
        at a May ceremony in New York        a freestanding, 17-room emergency     custom electric commercial
        City. The Public Relations Society   department and include additional     signage, is celebrating 60 years
        of America recognized the firm for   clinical space, increasing access to   in business. What first started as
        its work with the Michigan EITC      commonly used and in-demand           a hand-painted sign operation

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