P. 24

ADVOCACY                                                                     FOCUS MAGAZINE | JUNE 2024

        Business, Labor Organizations Endorsed Candidates in

        Lansing City Charter Commission Races Notch Election
        Night Victories

              he city’s organized                               These were the following business and labor
              labor and business                                organizations who endorsed the slate of candidates:
        Tcommunities are excited
        to announce resounding              L A N S I N G   R E G I O N A L   C H A M B E R   |   P O L I T I C A L   A C T I O N   C O M M I T T E E   |  •  Capital City Labor Program (Lansing Police
        victories for their endorsed         LRC                    Officers Union)
        slate of candidates the Lansing                          •  IAFF Local 421 (Lansing Firefighters)
        Charter Commission. Of the                               •  Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 333
        nine candidates endorsed, six                            •  IBEW Local 665
        were successful on election night                        •  IBEW Local 352
        on May 7.                                                •  UAW Local 2256
                                                                 •  Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce
        “The people have spoken loud and clear in the Lansing    •  Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters &
        City Charter Commission campaign,” said Steve               Millwrights
        Japinga, Senior Vice President at the Lansing Regional   •  Michigan Building Trades Council
        Chamber of Commerce, “This is a very strong group of     •  Michigan Laborers Local 499
        diverse individuals who will be serving in this capacity.   •  Painters IUPAT DC1M
        We appreciate that Lansing voters agreed that these      •  Operating Engineers Local 324
        forward-thinking candidates who we endorsed have the
        leadership qualities they believe will serve the city best   Learn more about the LRC-PAC at
        on this City Charter Commission.”              l

        The six endorsed candidates who won are the following:
          •  Joan Bauer, former member of the Lansing City
            Council and state representative                       BUSINESS
          •  Elizabeth Driscoll Boyd, former Communications
            Director for Governor Jennifer Granholm                MATTERS.
          •  Ben Dowd, Associate Director, Community Economic
            Development Association of Michigan, Chair of
            Lansing Pride
          •  Brian Jeffries, former member of the Lansing City
            Council and Ingham County Commission
          •  Guillermo Lopez, Board of Education Trustee for the
            Lansing School District
          •  Muhammad Qawwee, President of UAW Local 4911          CASE Credit Union offers a variety of services
                                                                   to help businesses achieve success.
        As the dust settles on the election, attention now
        turns to the next phase of the process. The newly          Business Membership features:
        elected Charter Commission members are poised to           • Various business checking and savings accounts
        embark on the crucial task of reviewing and potentially    • Business Solutions support for cash management and ACH
                                                                   • Business loan and credit card options
        amending Lansing’s city charter. With diverse              • Convenient local offices to provide personalized service
        perspectives and a mandate from the electorate,              Business Membership benefits:
        they are primed to undertake this responsibility with      • Free ACH access for the first year
        diligence and integrity.                                   • Complimentary first check order up to $100 maximum
                                                                   • Mobile deposit capture
                                                                   • Credit card rewards program
        “We look forward to the forthcoming work of the Charter
        Commission as they delve into the intricacies of our city’s
        charter,” added Japinga. “Their dedication to serving the   Call 517.393.7710 or email
        interests of Lansing residents will undoubtedly guide to learn more.
        their deliberations as they shape the future trajectory of   Subject to change at any time.
                                                                   Federally Insured by NCUA. Equal Opportunity Lender.
        our city.”
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