P. 27                                                                MEMBERS ON THE MOVE

                                                                                   maintain their military careers
                                                                                   while working at Peckham.
                                                                                  The Michigan Committee for
                                                                                   ESGR is the Department of Defense
                                                                                   agency tasked with gaining
                                                                                   and maintaining employer
                                                                                   support for those who serve
                                                                                   in the National Guard and
                                                                                   Reserve. Peckham, Inc. is a
        health and vaccination. In her                                             nonprofit community vocational
        new role, Dr. Chen will work to      From left, Highfields Past Board      rehabilitation organization.
        bridge the gap between research      Chair Robert Easterly, new board
        and practice in behavioral mental    members Jorma Duran and Sam Davis,                     Valencia Garza,
                                             and Highfields CEO and President
        health nursing.                      Brian Philson.                                         emergency
        Human services organization          AWARDS                                                 technician
        Highfields has welcomed Jorma                                                               at McLaren
        Duran to its board of directors for   Peckham, Inc. has been selected                       Greater Lansing,
        the first time. Duran is the anchor   to receive the Employer Support                       has been
        and managing editor for WLNS’ 6      of the Guard “Above and Beyond                         recognized
        News This Morning. Sam Davis,        Award.” The recognition is                             as one of the
        director of officials for the Michigan   presented to employers who        Garza            Lansing Latino
        High School Athletic Association,    provide an exceptional level of                        Health Alliance’s
        returns for his fourth term on the   support to their National Guard       2023 Outstanding Hispanic/Latino
        Highlands board and takes the        and Reserve employees. The            Caregivers. The award is given
        position of board secretary.         nomination came from employees        annually to a caregiver who has
                                             who feel supported as they            significantly impacted a patient’s

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