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        became custom-fabricated electric    joined forces to create Catholic
        signs consisting of computerized     Charities of Ingham, Eaton, and
        graphics, steel, aluminum, LED       Clinton Counties. The recent
        lighting, routing, and electronic    merger is intended to address
        message centers. Today the           the changing and growing needs of
        company operates with five           vulnerable individuals and families
        locations, 40,000 square feet of     in the tri-county region. Joe
        manufacturing space, 16 trucks,      Garcia is the new CEO of Catholic
        and 60 employees. Throughout         Charities, having served as CEO
        its 60 years in business, Johnson    of Cristo Rey since 2013. By unifying
        Sign Co. participated in large       resources, Catholic Charities
        brand rollouts for major hospital    expects to be better equipped
        conversions like Trinity Health,     to serve all those who rely on
        Allegiance Health, and Henry Ford    their assistance.
        and national and regional bank
        accounts Flagstar, MSUFCU, and
        Bank of Ann Arbor. Some of their
        most iconic custom work includes
        manufacturing and installing the
        Metro Detroit Spirit Airlines logo
        and popular Arborland “A” in the
        Ann Arbor area.

                                             Fostering Futures Scholarship Trust
                                             Fund recently hosted its 10th annual
                                             fundraising dinner and silent auction.
                                             The Michigan nonprofit Fostering
                                             Futures Scholarship Trust
                                             Fund recently hosted its 10th
                                             annual fundraising dinner and
                                             silent auction at the Kalamazoo
        McLaren Greater Lansing, part        Radisson Hotel. This year’s dinner
        of statewide McLaren Health          event raised nearly $40,000 for
        Care, has partnered with Lansing-    scholarships for foster youth to
        based Digestive Health Institute,    pursue their college education
        part of Pinnacle GI Partners. The    in Michigan. The next fundraiser
        partnership enhances and expands     is the annual Pizza Party on the
        Lansing’s access to comprehensive    Capitol Lawn on Tuesday, June
        gastrointestinal and colorectal      18th.  Tickets and information
        specialty care. As the largest       are available on the Michigan           SHARE YOUR
        practice of GI providers in Michigan,   Education Trust website at
        DHI will add nine GI providers l                      COMPANY
        to McLaren Greater Lansing: six
        general gastroenterologists and                                                      NEWS
        three colorectal surgeons. In
        addition to diagnosing, treating,                                                 LRCC members can
        and maintaining chronic digestive                                              send a press release and
        disease conditions such as                                                      photo about new hires,
        Crohn’s disease and irritable                                                   promotions, company
        bowel syndrome, specialists will                                               recognitions or awards to
        also perform endoscopy services,                                    
        including colonoscopies and                                                    and we will share it in our
        screenings for colorectal cancers.
                                                                                       popular Members on the
        Cristo Rey Community Center and                                                      Move section.
        St. Vincent Catholic Charities have

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