Page 20 - LRCC FOCUS July 2024
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ADVOCACY                                                                      FOCUS MAGAZINE | JULY 2024

        Lansing Regional Chamber-Political Action Committee

        Announces 2nd Round of Bipartisan Endorsements

              he Lansing Regional Chamber                                  Eaton County endorsements include
              of Commerce Political Action                                    Tom Reich for Sheriff, Doug Lloyd for
        TCommittee (LRC-PAC) has                                               Prosecuting Attorney, and Tim Barnes,
        proudly announced its second                                             Brandon Haskell, Jacob Toomey,
        round of endorsements for the                                             and Jim Mott for County Board of
        2024 election cycle. With a                                               Commissioners.
        focus on countywide public              L A N S I N G   R E G I O N A L   C H A M B E R   |   P O L I T I C A L   A C T I O N   C O M M I T T E E   |
        safety seats, county board of                                              In Ingham County, Scott
        commissioners, township board              LRC                             Wriggelsworth is endorsed for
        of trustees, and State House,                PAC                           Sheriff, and John Dewane for
        the LRC-PAC underscores its                                               Prosecuting Attorney. County Board
        commitment to supporting                                                 of Commissioners endorsements
        candidates who prioritize economic                                      include Randy Maiville, Karla
        growth, job creation, and fiscal                                      Ruest, Chris Trubac, Myles Johnson,
        responsibility.                                                     Thomas Morgan, Bob Pena, Ryan Sebolt,
                                                                         Gabrielle Lawrence, Mark Grebner, Irene
        Kevin Shaw, Chair of the LRC-PAC Board of                   Cahill, Mark Polsdofer, and Monica Schafer.
        Directors, emphasized the significance of this election,
        stating, “The November election will be critical to our   Additionally, endorsements for various township boards
        region’s future growth and economic viability. It is    of trustees include:
        incredibly important to ensure that we are endorsing
        candidates who will work side-by-side with the           •  Delhi Township Board of Trustees: John Hayhoe, Tom
        business community in meeting priorities that support       Lenard, and Patrick Brown
        advancing economic growth, job creation, and fiscal
        responsibility.”                                         •  Delta Township Board of Trustees: Ken Fletcher,
                                                                    Mary Clark, Dennis Fedewa, Fonda Brewer, Andrea
        Steve Japinga, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs at   Cascarilla, and Karen Mojica
        the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce, echoed
        Shaw’s sentiments, highlighting the bipartisan nature    •  Meridian Township Board of Trustees: Phil Deschaine
        of the endorsed candidates. “We are particularly            and Milton Scales
        pleased with the bipartisan nature of the candidates
        we are backing in our second round of endorsements,”    The LRC-PAC emphasizes its commitment to
        said Japinga. “This is a critical time in our region,   supporting candidates who prioritize economic growth,
        making the experience and ability to make thoughtful    job creation, and fiscal responsibility, irrespective of
        decisions about difficult issues particularly important.   political affiliation.
        We believe these candidates are well-positioned
        to continue to work towards addressing economic         A third round of endorsements focusing on both open
        challenges, accelerating our recovery, promoting        and incumbent seats is forthcoming.
        opportunity together, and positioning our region for
        future growth and success.”                             For more information about the Lansing Regional
                                                                Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee
        The endorsed candidates for the State House of          and its endorsed candidates, please visit
        Representatives include Angela Witwer (D) for the l
        76th District.

        In Clinton County, the LRC-PAC endorses Sean Dush
        for Sheriff and the following for County Board of
        Commissioners: Val Vail-Shirey, Bruce DeLong,
        Ken Mitchell, Bob Showers, John Andrews, and
        Dr. Dwight Washington.

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