Page 24 - LRCC FOCUS July 2024
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MEMBERS ON THE MOVE                                                           FOCUS MAGAZINE | JULY 2024

        passion for client experience and    Michigan Health Endowment             Excellence Award during May’s
        an ability to develop processes and   Fund. Meanwhile, IHP also            Nurses Week. The award is named
        drive results.                       appointed directors as officers of    after Margaret McLaren, a pioneer
                                             the corporation for one-year terms:   in the nursing field and the first
        APPOINTMENTS                         Nevin Brittain of Health Numeric      nurse to have a hospital named
                                             as president; Dale Thompson           after them. In McCoy’s nomination,
                          Origami            of McLaren Greater Lansing as         a colleague wrote: “Judy has always
                          Rehabilitation’s   vice president; Matt Nobis of UM      stepped up to orient new hires
                          outpatient         Health-Sparrow as treasurer, and      and nursing students. She was a
                          program            Matt June of Peckham as secretary.    great influence to and reference
                          manager,           IHP is a nonprofit that provides      for me and many other nurses
                          Michael Hagen,     access to basic medical and dental    throughout the years. There are
                          has been           care for low-income, uninsured        so many nurses she has impacted
                          selected as        Ingham County residents.              over the years. She is always patient
                          a committee                                              and understanding when someone
                          member for         AWARDS                                is learning, but also firm enough
                          the Academy                                              to step in to guide someone when
        of Certified Brain Injury Specialists’                                     needed.” McCoy has been a nurse
        Board of Governors Certified                                               at McLaren for over 40 years
        Brain Injury Specialists Program                                           McLaren Greater Lansing also
        Committee. The program                                                     presented its first-ever Margaret
        committee focuses on the CBIS                                              McLaren Nursing Leadership Award
        certification program and the                                              to Rebecca Perkins, a patient
        Essential Brain Injury Guide,                                              care manager overseeing the
        which is a resource for the CBIS                                           nurses working on the hospital’s
        certification.                                                             eighth floor. Perkins began her
                                                                                   nursing career at McLaren in
                                             Miller            Lonier
                          Foster Swift                                             2001. In recognition of her many
                          Collins & Smith    Occupational therapist Sarah          contributions, her nomination
                          PC attorney Ray    Miller and physical therapist Calley   noted that “Rebecca continues to
                          H. Littleton has   Lonier of Origami Rehabilitation      mentor new leaders, goes above
                          been elected as    have each successfully obtained       and beyond, and volunteers in
                          a board member     their certifications as Certified     the community. She leads with
                          of the Detroit     Brain Injury Specialists. Origami     kindness, is thoughtful, and is
                          Bar Association.   officials said Miller and Lonier      always looking out for the staff and
                          He previously      contribute expertise, dedication,     her peers.”
                          served as the      and hard work to the organization.
                          chair of the
        Rules and Calendar Committee
        on the State Bar of Michigan
        Representative Assembly, and is
        a representative on the Assembly
        for Oakland County. Littleton has
        more than 15 years of experience
        in commercial and insurance
        defense litigation. He joined Foster
        Swift in 2012, has since become                                            Custom Built Design &
        a shareholder, and is chair of                                             Remodeling has been recognized
        the firm’s diversity committee                                             as one of the 2024 awardees for the
        and a member of the recruiting                                             Michigan 50 Companies to Watch
        committee.                                                                 Award, presented by Michigan
                                                                                   Celebrates Small Business. The
        The Ingham Health Plan Corp.                                               award was presented at the 20th
        has added two community              McLaren Greater Lansing               annual MCSB Gala on May 21st at
        partners to its board of directors:   presented Judy McCoy, a              the Breslin Center in East Lansing.
        Oscar Castaneda, community           registered nurse who works on         Companies nominated for the
        representative, and Tayo Moss,       the eighth floor in the cardiac unit,   Michigan 50 Companies to Watch
        policy and program officer at the    with the Margaret McLaren Nursing     Award must be second-stage

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