Page 12 - LRCC May FOCUS 2024
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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                               FOCUS MAGAZINE | MAY 2024

        FROM PAGE 11 4
        Spotlight on MSU President Kevin Guskiewicz: Q&A with FOCUS Magazine

        land-grant universities. We were created to advance     foundation collaborates with the university, Innovation
        the competitiveness of the state by unlocking access to   Center and external partners to drive economic growth
        cutting-edge knowledge for all, not just the privileged or   across our region and state. In addition to supporting
        — with the advent of Extension services — even just the   MSU research through annual grants, the foundation
        enrolled or degreed.                                    manages research parks and facilities, conducts venture
                                                                investing through its Red Cedar Ventures and Michigan
        In the 19th century, that took the form of bringing     Rise funds and offers startup accelerator programs.
        science and evidence-based practices to agriculture and,
        over time, what they called “the mechanic arts.” In the   The Research Foundation, in fact, just recently launched
        21st century, it’s still about expanding the boundaries of   its newest Conquer Accelerator cohorts, including one
        scientific knowledge to improve how we produce our      based in East Lansing sponsored by the MSU Federal
        food and protect our environment. But it’s also about   Credit Union. The Conquer Finance and Insurance
        innovation in technologies like electric and autonomous   Accelerator will provide five startup companies working
        vehicles, AI, materials science and cutting-edge medical   in the financial services and insurance area with initial
        therapies. And it’s about innovating by applying        funding from Red Cedar Ventures, mentorship from
        interdisciplinary lenses to what we think we know —     industry veterans and a variety of other support.
        whether through quantum computing or creating art.
                                                                Q: With global competition for international
        For our faculty innovators, we have built an innovation   students intensifying, what steps will you take to
        ecosystem that surrounds them with experienced          ensure that Michigan State University remains a
        entrepreneurs, seed funding and planning tools to       top destination for students from around the world,
        launch a company on a path to success. From the         offering a welcoming and inclusive environment
        earliest moments of discovery, faculty can get advice,   that celebrates cultural diversity?
        support, and funding to move their concept toward an
        investable company. We can pair them with experienced   A: One of the reasons I was so excited to accept the
        business leaders to drive business development so our   presidency of MSU is that we are a leading global public
        faculty can serve as the “chief scientific officer” while   research university. International students and scholars
        remaining a strong member of our faculty and leader in   have long been an incredibly important part of the
        their academic field.                                   Spartan community — in fact, last year, before I joined
                                                                the university, we celebrated the 150th anniversary of
        Our MSU Innovation Center is a pivotal component        MSU’s first international students. We’re proud that so
        of our ecosystem dedicated to facilitating research     many international students choose MSU not just for a
        partnerships with corporations, transferring MSU        world-class education but also because of our diverse
        patents and innovations to businesses and starting      and welcoming campus environment.
        new companies. The Innovation Center dedicates more
        than 20 people and several million dollars to facilitating   I think MSU stands out with its holistic approach to
        the fastest path to economic and societal impact        international student engagement. Community building
        from MSU’s intellectual assets. We partner with the     starts long before students begin their first class, with
        Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)        admitted student and pre-departure orientation
        to maximize our impact on Michigan through novel        programs in several countries — and an enhanced
        products and services.                                  international student orientation program when they
                                                                arrive in East Lansing.
        The Innovation Center is also a champion for the
        region, partnering with the MEDC, Lansing Economic      I’ve been especially impressed with our excellent Office
        Area Partnership and other economic development         for International Students and Scholars, which works
        organizations. MSU hosts several MEDC grants that       closely with the International Students Association to
        invest in the earliest stages of translational research   strengthen that sense of community. They offer a wide
        that will foster the transition from research discoveries   variety of programming such as field trips, service-learning
        to a product or service that will impact the economy.   opportunities and regular social events. Specialized career
        Another vital component of our ecosystem is the MSU     services are also available to help international students
        Research Foundation, which is celebrating its 50th      find internships and jobs after graduation, and our alumni
        anniversary. Using licensing revenue from university    office helps them stay connected with the global Spartan
        intellectual property and its own investments, the      network no matter where they go.

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