Page 13 - LRCC November 2022 Focus
LRCC/CAPCOG Statement Regarding CATA/EATRAN/Clinton
Transit Agreement to Pursue Regional Public Transit Plan
ansing Regional Chamber of Commerce CEO are more critical than jurisdictional lines and partisan
Tim Daman and the Capital Area Council of politics. This regional agreement is a shining example
LGovernments issued statements of support for the of putting that mission into action.
CATA/EATRAN/Clinton Transit agreement
to pursue a regional public transit plan. The agreement between our three
Below are their statements: public transit authorities, Capital Area
Transportation Authority (CATA), Eaton
The Capital Council of Governments County Transportation Authority
(CAPCOG) has been working with our (EATRAN), and Clinton Area Transit
three regional transit authorities since System to work more closely on a new
2016 to encourage better coordination regional coordination plan for public
within their networks to improve transit is an important step forward
residents’ and workers’ abilities to make the necessary for our region. The Lansing Regional Chamber of
connections. The agreement between the Capital Commerce has been hearing from our members for
Area Transportation Authority (CATA), Eaton County several years that public transit is a barrier to their
Transportation Authority (EATRAN), and Clinton Area ability to attract and retain talent. Building a more
Transit System to pursue better regional coordination seamless transportation network that cuts across
of their transportation systems through the Tri-County political boundary lines will eliminate many barriers.
Regional Planning Commission, should lead to a Recent studies have shown that Greater Lansing is
smoother and less time-consuming travel experience also one of the fastest-growing population hubs in
for citizens riding on their respective public transit the Midwest. To support that growth, our region must
systems. CAPCOG strongly believes that regional continue to invest in developing our infrastructure, of
causes such as improving our public transit systems which public transit is a vital component. l
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