Page 16 - LRCC November 2022 Focus
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Five Organizations Honored
at 17th Annual Celebration of
Regional Growth Awards
Farm Bureau Insurance used extensive employee input to design an
open space concept that encourages connection and collaboration.
ive organizations were honored for their Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan
economic investment and growth in the Corporate Headquarters Renovation
Lansing region at the 17th annual Celebration
of Regional Growth (CORG) Awards, which took Innovation continues to be the
F place Tuesday, Nov. 1, at the Kellogg Center theme for Farm Bureau Insurance
Hotel and Conference Center. This year’s CORG honorees of Michigan which is being honored
include Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan, Ferguson for its corporate headquarters
Development, McKesson, Moneyball Sportswear, and renovation in Delta Township. Farm
TechSmith. All five organizations are recognized for Bureau Insurance has been a
investments that are making a transformational impact Lansing-based company for more
in the community. than 70 years and in its current
location since 1971. Farm Bureau
The luncheon was part of the Lansing Regional Chamber integrated its employees throughout Simon
of Commerce’s monthly Lansing Economic Club. The the process of designing the
CORG Awards is an annual event presented by the expansion to provide the best tools for work-life balance
Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce. and well-being. The company created a “pilot space”
where employees were encouraged to take the space for
“This year’s group of CORG recipients reflect the a test drive.
wonderful diversity of our economic base in the Greater
Lansing region,” said Tim Daman, president and CEO of “We wanted them to tell us how they felt about the comfort
the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce. “They are and color of the furniture and things like the amount of light
not only creating millions of dollars in new investment in the area,” said Don Simon, CEO, Farm Bureau Insurance
and jobs, but they are also leading the economic of Michigan. “We wanted a place where our employees
transformation of our region.” wanted to come to, not one they had to come to.”