Page 24 - LRCC November 2022 Focus
P. 24
The Lansing Regional Chamber was proud to be a part The Lansing Regional Chamber was proud to sponsor the
of the ribbon-cutting celebration on September 23rd Downtown Lansing Inc. (DLI) Business Huddle, held at
for the new headquarters branch of MSUFCU, located Michigrain Distillery on October 22. More than 30 business
at 3775 Coolidge Road in East Lansing. In response to and community leaders working in downtown Lansing
growth in their membership numbers and to best serve gathered to network, share updates, and learn more about
their members, MSUFCU brought the branch out of the a great downtown distillery. We are proud to support DLI
Coolidge Road headquarters building. This sleek, bright and all downtown Lansing businesses and community
building will provide full banking services. organizations.
Skin Studio 211 celebrated the grand opening of its second The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce joined Sarah
location on October 13, now in East Lansing. The new Schafer on October 7th for a ribbon cutting to celebrate
location, at 541 E Grand River Ave., Suite F, East Lansing, the opening of the new Sarah Schafer Farmers Agency
has multiple private rooms for treatments including facials, office located at 6540 Millennium Dr., Suite 180, in Lansing.
brow treatments, lash extensions, and massages. The event included amazing catering by People’s Kitchen
and offered tickets to the upcoming Sparrow Foundation’s
T.G.I.F.: The Guild’s Incredible Fundraiser.