Page 27 - LRCC November 2022 Focus
of the full-service marketing currently a senior at Michigan State volunteers with schools to fill all
communications firm, and Jan University, where she is majoring scheduled JA classes, events, and
Jenkins, who oversaw the company’s in Advertising Management programs.
public relations department and and minoring in Business and
served as the director of public Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Union Bank
relations, has retired. Sandborn A fun fact about Georgia is that she is pleased to
will provide strategic planning and studied abroad this spring in Rome, announce the
direction for Publicom and its clients, Italy, alongside #TeamMoosail addition of
as well as public relations, branding, marketing coordinator Sam. Michael Kozak,
and digital marketing. Jenkins vice president,
retired after nearly five decades Senior attorney commercial
in marketing communications, Alexander S. banker. Kozak
most recently serving as the head Rusek joins will work
of Publicom’s public and media Foster Swift as Kozak alongside the
relations department for the past a lateral hire. bank’s branch
decade. Rusek is based management, commercial and
in Foster Swift’s customer service teams, and
Lansing office additional stakeholders to build
as a member strong relationships and optimize
of the firm’s the customer experience by
general litigation creating financial solutions to equip
practice group. Rusek’s practice the makers, builders, and growers
focuses on complex mass action of West and Central Michigan for
and class action civil litigation, success.
business law & litigation, criminal
law, and appellate law. Redhead
Van Regenmorter Wright Creative
Consumers Credit Union has hired Monica Michael Consultancy
Pete Van Regenmorter as creative has joined welcomes Tony
manager. Van Regenmorter brings Dart Bank as Beyers as their
a wealth of professional experience vice president/ new technology
to his new role, where he will guide commercial director and
a creative team of video, design, relationship web developer.
and content experts. Consumers manager. Beyers will
Credit Union has also added Keith Michael’s Beyers manage web-
Wright as an office manager in its primary based projects
Lansing-based office. Michael responsibilities and develop websites. He’s
will include already hit the ground running by
Union Bank managing all aspects of helping clients identify effective
is pleased to commercial lending while web solutions and, through some
announce the providing fast and reliable computer magic, build powerful
addition of Teddi relationship banking. tools that back their brands,
McEachern, messages, and missions.
vice president, Junior
director of Achievement of Christopher
branch banking. Michigan Great (Chris) Zander
McEachern will Lakes recently brings vast
lead and coach a announced experience and
McEachern team that drives Tammy a new passion to
consultative sales discussions, Conner as the the table of the
memorable customer service new program Gillespie Group
experiences, and operational coordinator Leadership
excellence both in the branch and Conner for JA of Mid- team as director
throughout the communities the Michigan. of facilities.
bank serves. Conner will develop and maintain Zander With over 20
relationships with volunteers, years of experience in property
Moonsail North welcomes Georgia businesses, teachers, and school management through facilities
as their marketing intern. Georgia is personnel. She will connect management at Michigan State