Page 31 - LRCC November 2022 Focus
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The Perry branch is PFCU’s third
branch in Shiawassee County,
extending the credit union’s
footprint to include 13 branches
throughout mid-Michigan.
The Wilson Talent Center, operated
by Ingham Intermediate School
District, is celebrating its 50th LAFCU and Quality Dairy held
anniversary with the start of the a ribbon-cutting ceremony on
2022-23 school year. Opening in September 12th to celebrate the
the fall of 1972 as the Capital Area newly available LAFCU ATMs in
Career Center, the program offers all 27 Quality Dairy stores. The
19 career and technical education ribbon-cutting ceremony was held
programs for high school juniors at the Quality Dairy store located
and seniors in 12 career pathways. at 5010 Dunckel Road, Lansing, as
part of one of the three “Spot the
Working to improve targeted Savings” events held the week of
support for all students, educators Sept. 12, providing exclusive offers to
from the Eaton Regional Quality Dairy customers and LAFCU
Education Service Agency (RESA), members.
local school districts, and public
school academies gathered to For employers
collaborate, assess, and align who know the
teaching and learning around the value of good
Multi-Tiered System of Support mental health
(MTSS). In sessions facilitated for all employees,
by MTSS expert Dr. Dawn Miller, Mental Health
A Leadership educators examined ways to better America and
Book with a screen students as part of core Mental Health Association in
Michigan (MHAM) has created
instruction, what implementing
TWIS T universal screening could mean for the Bell Seal for Workplace Mental
Health, a certification program to
teachers and students, and how
educators can continue to improve
are committed to creating mentally
interventions and services for all recognize and guide employers who
learners. healthy workplaces. You can apply
for your workplace to become Bell
Seal-certified. The submission
deadline for the 2022-23 cycle is
March 31, 2023. For more information,
go to
bestemployers or email Kristen
Taylor, Director of Education and
Community Outreach for MHAM, at
The Lansing Lugnuts have a new Starting in the third quarter of 2022,
“Marvelized” identity thanks to a MSUFCU and OU Credit Union
multiyear partnership between members have a chance to win up
MiLB and Marvel Entertainment. to $20,000 in the quarterly Desk
Author: Ross Woodstock Part of the agreement allowed for Drawer Fund Member Raffle when
Executive Coach and each of the (96) MiLB teams in the they purchase raffle tickets at any
Leadership Consultant program to have a new “Marvelized” of the Credit Union’s branches. On
Available on Amazon logo designed by the team at Friday, October 7, Ronald Darling, Jr.
Marvel Entertainment to be worn was randomly selected as the grand
on the field during select games in prize winner of $16,580. l
the 2023 and 2024 seasons.
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