Page 16 - Living light - The Psalms
P. 16

Friday June 14 - God is still on the throne
The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever. Psalm 29:10
The only other reference in the Old Testament using this word rendered ‘flood’ is in the story of Noah. As David contemplates the deluge of rain, he is reminded of the flood which destroyed all the people on earth, except for Noah, his family and the animals that had been gathered into the ark. The Bible tells us that the people of Noah’s time were living life their own way without reference to God, and they had become very wicked. Only Noah ‘found favour in the eyes of the Lord’ and he listened to what God told him and did it (Genesis 6:8). There is a reminder of both God’s power and his mercy in this account. Even though God gave his rainbow as the promise that he would never again destroy all life by a flood, we would do well to learn from this story!
God is still on the throne; indeed he will always be on the throne. As we look around ourselves and see the mess that we are making of our lives and our planet, we can draw comfort from knowing that a good and loving God is still ultimately in charge. And we are drawn to our knees in prayer and worship before the merciful King who alone has power to renew and recreate.
O God our Father, there is so much grief in this world, but you are still on the throne. Have mercy on us and use me in whatever way you want to bring help. Amen.
Saturday June 15 - Strength and peace in the storm
The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace. Psalm 29:11
God never promised us a life free of storms if we followed him. The disciples understood that clearly; they were all either executed or imprisoned for following Jesus – hardly an easy life! But the Lord promised strength and peace in the storm to his followers, and Jesus demonstrated what that looked like as he experienced the storms on Lake Galilee. Storms can be stirred up suddenly on Galilee. The disciples who were fishermen knew that! On one such occasion, the storm was so bad that the disciples thought they were going to drown, but Jesus was asleep in the boat! It seems impossible with all the waves and water, but there he was, the picture of peace. His word calmed the storm – to their amazement!
On another occasion a storm blew up and this time Jesus was not in the boat with them. However, he came walking on the water to be with them! Again, this is a seemingly impossible situation, but illustrates Jesus’ power and strength over nature. On both occasions it seems that Jesus expected the disciples to have faith in him, to know the same peace and strength that he exhibited.
What storms are you facing in life? Take this verse as an encouragement that you can pray with sure faith for the strength and peace to get through it. God is able and wanting to give that to you!
Lord Jesus, please fill me with your peace and strength to face the impossible. Amen.

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