Page 15 - Living light - The Psalms
P. 15

Wednesday June 12 - Be amazed by nature!
The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. Psalm 29:5
The cedar trees of Lebanon were highly prized in David’s time, and he used them to build his palace. David’s son, Solomon, later used them in the construction of both his palace and the temple. These magnificent trees could reach a height of 100 feet and the trunks could grow to six feet in diameter. So it is not surprising that David found it totally awe-inspiring that the voice of the Lord in the storm could shatter a cedar tree as if it were a twig.
To get a deeper understanding of the majesty of God, we too could focus on nature if we take the time to marvel at God’s handiwork. A young Frenchman turned up at our church saying that he wanted to worship God with us. He had been walking in the hills and as he came to a brow and saw the sunset, he was so stunned by it that he fell to his knees worshipping the God who made such beauty! As we explained the gospel to him, he became a devoted follower of Jesus.
David reminds us to look outwards and upwards and see the glory and power of God in his creation. Let God speak to you through the majesty of a mountain range or the brilliance of a raindrop, and then share it with someone who needs encouragement today.
Lord God, you have made such staggeringly beautiful things. Open my eyes to see and my mouth to proclaim! Amen.
Thursday June 13 - Send the fire!
The voice of the Lord strikes with flashes of lightning. Psalm 29:7
On a dark night, a flash of lightning can dramatically illuminate a darkened room, and indeed flashes of lightning can transform the entire sky, such is their power. David is very aware of the transformative power of the lightning in the storm. As he watches the lightning, David compares it to God’s powerful voice.
Centuries later we can read about the power of God coming with fire to completely transform the lives of Jesus’ disciples. At the first Pentecost, the disciples were huddled fearfully in an upper room praying for the promised Holy Spirit. They didn’t know what to expect, they were simply being obedient to Jesus’ last words as he left earth (Acts 1:4-5). Suddenly the sound of whistling wind and tongues of fire filled the room (2:1-4). This fire did not destroy them as you might expect, but totally transformed them from scared and hidden people into bold preachers, full of the exuberant praise of God, prepared to go anywhere, do anything and even die for their Lord and master!
I have lost count of the number of people whom I have seen experiencing something of this hot fire of God, as the Holy Spirit came on them in answer to prayer, and whose lives have likewise been transformed to the glory of God. No wonder the Salvation Army pray, “Send the fire Lord!”
Lord, send the fire on me today, I pray! For Jesus’ sake and to his glory. Amen.

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