Page 14 - Living light - The Psalms
P. 14

Monday June 10 - The God who speaks
The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters. Psalm 29:3
We worship a God who speaks. This is revolutionary. Paul, writing to new Christian believers, noted that pagan idols were mute (1 Corinthians 12:2). God’s voice is not only heard but it is also powerfully and wonderfully creative. In Genesis we read that God spoke over the waters, creating all that we know. That is a powerful voice! At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus is baptised in the waters of the Jordan and as he comes up out of the waters he hears God’s voice, speaking words of love and affirmation (Mark 1:10-11). That is a loving father’s voice. God is still speaking today and we, his children, can learn to recognise and receive his voice. He speaks as we read his word in the Bible and as the Holy Spirit whispers into our souls.
Are you learning to hear his voice? Maybe, like me, you wish he spoke louder! Then I remember that the children of Israel were terrified of God’s voice in the thunder at Sinai, and they wanted to run away (Exodus 20:18-19)! If our Father whispers into our ears, then we need to quieten our hearts and learn to listen. Making a quiet time daily to commune with God like this, as we read the Bible and pray, will be life-transforming – after all, just one word from him can create a universe and start a world-changing ministry!
Thank you, Lord, that you are the Father God who speaks. Please teach me to hear your voice speaking to me. Amen.
Tuesday June 11 - The voice of authority
The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic. Psalm 29:4
Children learn to recognise their parent’s voice, and they quickly get to know the tone of the voice and what to expect next! As a schoolteacher, I knew that I had to use my voice to gain attention for the lesson. A good parent and a good teacher develop an effective voice of authority. Jesus was neither a parent nor a schoolteacher but he had an acknowledged voice of authority. When Jesus spoke the demons trembled and fled, the sick were healed with a word, the storm on the lake was stilled, and a small picnic was turned into a feast for thousands! So when Jesus had something to say about how to live life in good relationship with God and your neighbour, huge crowds turned up to listen to him. The religious teachers and preachers of the day were amazed at his voice of authority.
But interestingly, before any of the miracles, Luke notes (2:46-47) that the twelve-year- old Jesus amazed the religious teachers in the temple with his understanding and speaking. If we aim to focus our lives on him and listen to his words, he gives us, his children, his voice. How the world today needs those who can speak with the authority that only comes from being in close relationship with the God who speaks!
Lord God, thank you for your majestic word. Thank you for your powerful word in my heart. Please help me to speak like you and bring relief to many. Amen.

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